Division: ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems

Title: Science Based Solar Corridor, Economic and Sociological Yield Strategies for Small Holder Farms

Organizer: Charles LeRoy Deichman
Lead Community Sponsor: Solar Corridor Crop System Community
Cosponsor: Agronomic Production Systems
Community Cosponsor: Solar Corridor Crop System Community, Agronomic Solutions for Smallholders Community, Advancing Agronomy via Public-Private Collaboration Community, Cover Crop Management Community, Agricultural Experiment Station Management Community, Extension Education Community
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: SCCS, Solar Corridor and small holder

Session Description: This session

1). is couched in the economic and sociological reality of small farms around the world.

2). should contribute multidisciplinary synergies that enable their economic and social sustainability, 

via the session's call for

3). unique yield strategies to increase utilization and efficiency of available resources

4). made possible by the synergetic partnering of the- various scientific disciplines.

The solar corridor crop system (SCCS) concept will be offered as an interdisciplinary synergy capturing platform of multiple disciplines of atmospheric, climate, entomological, environmental, plant and soil sciences expressed through a specific range of complimentary crops in rotation with each other in the small holder setting.

Appoved for 1.0 CM CEUs.