Title: Comet-Farm: Agricultural and Forestry Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Accounting at Your Fingertips.
Lead Community Sponsor:
Cosponsor: Environmental Quality
Community Cosponsor: Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community
Session Description: Workshop attendees will get hands-on instruction on greenhouse gas accounting at the field, parcel, farm and ranch scale. Attendees will learn how to use and apply the COMET-Farm tool to calculate the entity-level greenhouse balance of farm, ranch, agroforestry and forestry operations, and will complete conservation scenario analyses. The workshop will focus on how the COMET-Farm tool was developed, practical examples of crop, livestock, agroforestry and forestry scenarios, and how to interpret and report greenhouse gas inventories. COMET-Farm is the practical, web-based application of the USDA entity-level methods for greenhouse gas inventories, and the workshop will include background and a summary of this inventory methods document.