Division: Special Sessions

Title: Annual Committee Meeting of ACS 528 - Diversity in Agronomy, Crops, Soils and Environmental Sciences Committee

Organizer: Abasiofiok M. Ibekwe
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral

Session Description: The Minorities in Agronomy Committee (ACS 528), now known as 'Diversity in Agronomy, Crops, Soils and Environmental Sciences Committee' since 2010, was established more than a decade ago with the following objectives:

1). To encourage involvement and participation by minority students and professionals in the Tri-Societies’ programs and activities

2). To raise awareness among Tri-Societies members of ACS528 Committee’s goals, activities and contributions to science and society.

During the Annual meetings of the Tri-Societies, the ACS 528 Committee conducts its Annual Business Meeting to convene members, present accomplishments during the year, plan and discuss past and future projects.

Also one of the important activities of the Diversity Committee (ACS 528) during Annual meetings is the 'Diversity Student Poster Competition' to  encourage involvement and participation by minority students in the Tri-Societies’ programs and activities. Submitted posters will be displayed outside the hall where the annual business meeting of ACS Committee is held. Participants and best three posters will be recognized during this meeting.