Division: ASA Section: Climatology & Modeling

Title: Agricultural Remote Sensing: II

Organizer: E. Raymond Hunt Jr.
Presider: John J. Sulik
Lead Community Sponsor: Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing Community
Cosponsor: Climatology & Modeling
Community Cosponsor: Precision Agriculture Systems Community, Agroclimatology and Agronomic Modeling Community, Sensor-Based Nutrient Management Community, Sensor-Based Water Management Community
Format: Poster Topical Session
Keywords: geospatial information, satellite remote sensing and unmanned aircraft

Session Description: Remote sensing provides information for crop nutrient, irrigation, weed, and pest management at different scales from ground level to regional views. New satellites and unmanned aircraft are providing new capabilities for data collection.  Contributions to this session present the latest research on extracting geospatial information from the data for crop management.