Division: ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems

Title: Strategies to Improve Water Use Efficiency in Crop Rotations and Cover Crop Systems

Organizers: Jourdan M. Bell and Kip Balkcom
Lead Community Sponsor: Crop Irrigation Strategies and Management Community
Cosponsor: Agronomic Production Systems, Land Management & Conservation
Community Cosponsor: Crop Irrigation Strategies and Management Community, Cover Crop Management Community
Format: Poster Topical Session
Keywords: Cover Crops, Crop Rotations, Irrigation Strategies and Water Use Efficiency

Session Description: Rotational and cover crop systems may be beneficial for improving irrigated water productivity as well as maintaining or increasing soil organic carbon levels, reducing soil erosion, and minimizing nutrient losses. The objective of this session is to discuss the effects of crop rotations and cover crops on the water use efficiency of irrigated cropping systems and the pertinent seasonal and multi-seasonal irrigation strategies to improve the overall water productivity of the agricultural system. The advantages and disadvantages of crop rotations and cover crops will be discussed within the context of a range of evapotranspiration and precipitation regimes.