Division: ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems

Title: Bioenergy Systems Graduate Student Poster Competition (Voluntary for Graduate Students)

Organizer: John E. Erickson
Lead Community Sponsor: Bioenergy Systems Community
Cosponsor: Agronomic Production Systems
Community Cosponsor: Bioenergy Systems Community
Format: Poster Topical Session
Keywords: Bioenergy, Feedstock, Graduate Student Competition and Production

Session Description: The purpose of the Bioenergy Systems Graduate Student Poster Awards Program is to recognize outstanding scientific poster contributions presented by graduate students at the Annual Meetings. Posters submitted to the competition will be judged according to prescribed criteria developed by the Community Awards Committee. Judges are to be selected by the Community Awards Committee from the volunteers that were identified at the 2013 community business meeting. Judges will visit each eligible poster as they are presented, and score each poster. Scores will be summarized and discussed by the Committee to determine award recipients. Three awards will be presented, First Place award ($250) and First Runner-Up ($200) Second Runner-up ($150), to the top three scores determined by the judges. The outstanding posters and authors will be recognized during the Community Business Meeting and/or via email to the Community after the annual meeting. A monetary award and a certificate will be presented to each one of the winners.