Division: Keynote/Plenary Sessions

Title: ASA, CSSA, SSSA, and ESA Opening Keynote: Partnering for Solutions to Supply Chain Sustainability

Presiders: Paul E. Fixen , Michael A. Grusak and Harold van Es
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: climate and sustainability

Session Description: The grand challenge of contemporary science could be stated as “To sustainably improve the human condition for a growing global population in a changing environment.” Our general vision for the session is to address supply chain sustainability from the field to the marketplace but with a look to the future considering both North American and global challenges. Those challenges include meeting the aggregate needs eventually of 9 billion people in the face of changes in resource supply and climate. They also include addressing immediate consumer concerns about the environmental and social impacts of meeting those needs. How can the scientific community play an increased role in “partnering for solutions” to this grand challenge?

Sponsored by CHS, Inc., Monsanto, and Syngenta

Approved for 1.0 CM CEUs.