Division: ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems

Title: Business Meeting--Cotton and Other Fibers Community

Community Leader: C. Wayne Smith
Presider: C. Wayne Smith
Lead Community Sponsor: Cotton and Other Fibers
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: Business Meeting, Cotton and Fibers

Session Description: This session is the initial business and organizational meeting of The ASA Cotton and Other Fibers Community, a community focused on fostering communication among applied fiber crop research scientists and other professionals worldwide to further the science that supports modern production systems. Cotton and other fiber crops exist in diverse cropping systems and  the physiology, genetics, and transformation into industrial products of these unique crops require specialized research. The outlet for innovative applied research of community members will be through peer reviewed publications, Extension publications, commercial materials, and the popular press and associated media. Community members strive to develop regional, national, and international projects to further their goals.