Division: Special Sessions

Title: Symposium--Perspectives on Sustainably Supporting the Human Populace in the Future

Organizer: Ronald F. Turco
Presider: Manjit Misra
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Symposium

Session Description: This session aims to attract a diverse set of conference attendees. It will present different perspectives on how global societies can meet the food, fiber, and energy needs of the future and sustainably support a population of 9 billion by 2050 under conditions of global change.  Agricultural industries and public research communities will need to develop technologies that enhance agricultural productivity on a diminishing base of land and water resources, impacted by a projected change in climate. The push for new technologies also needs to be balanced by adequate consideration for long-term sustainability of Earth’s resources and equitable social conditions.

Each speaker will provide a high-level perspective on the above issue. Although it is not intended to be overly provocative, this session aims to present the different perspectives on the above issues. Some of the specific talking points to be considered include:

  • What technologies are needed to meet the agricultural production goals and will the technological trends be sustainable?
  • Which resources will become most threatened or limited?
  • What factors are likely to be significant in terms of determining future agricultural and environmental sustainability?
  • What role will the scientific and professional communities play?
  • How should early-career professionals prepare for this future?

Sponsored by The Climate Corp.

Approved for 1.5 PD CEUs.