Division: Special Sessions

Title: Women in Science Networking Breakfast

Organizers: Samira Daroub and Gail Kampmeier
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Topical Session

Session Description: Join us for a Women in Science breakfast, jointly organized by the Women in Entomology Network and the Women in Agronomy, Crops, Soils, & Environmental Sciences Committee. It continues the tradition of holding a breakfast at the ESA Annual Meeting. It is a great opportunity for attendees to meet and talk with other women at all points in their careers, as well as with leadership of the societies. The emphasis is on networking and encouraging more women to enter and stay in the science, and both women and men are encouraged to attend. Birds-of-a-feather tables will have topics relating to prospective careers, employers (academia, industry, government, etc.), becoming involved in a professional society, and family/career issues. The breakfast will be a la carte this year, with a limited menu of breakfast sandwiches, beverages, fruit, and/or muffins for purchase.  No RSVP is necessary and Dow AgroSciences has offered to generously sponsor the breakfast costs for the first 100 students at this event.