91410 Human Health: Another Major Challenge of Global Soil Security.
See more from this Division: Opening SessionSee more from this Session: Global Challenges and Soil Security
The classical approach consists in studying what contaminant concentration in soil can people be exposed to without being subject to potential health risk. The exposure is evaluated either from direct measurement on population (biomonitoring) either from soil concentration measurement coupled with a multi-media fate model and exposure route scenarios. This approach is based on risk assessment of exceeding tolerable dose of contaminants during a certain period of exposure variable according to population age. The doses are assessed by international standard toxicological tests on contaminants but their values are different according to countries’ legislation. When spatialized at regional level, exposure assessment of soil contaminants allows for mapping environmental inequalities. Identifying the main factors of risk then helps in taking relevant actions of risk remediation. This action will be in the future, another major challenge of global soil security.
See more from this Session: Global Challenges and Soil Security