99652 Integration of Remote Reference Surface Meteorological Data with Field-Specific Observations for Improved Parameterization of Actual Evapotranspiration.

Poster Number 322-519

See more from this Division: ASA Section: Climatology and Modeling
See more from this Session: Evapotranspiration Measurements and Modeling Poster (includes student competition)

Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Phoenix Convention Center North, Exhibit Hall CDE

Ray G. Anderson1, Jorge F.S. Ferreira2, Dennise L Jenkins1, Nildo da Silva Dias3 and Donald L. Suarez4, (1)US Salinity Laboratory, Contaminant Fate and Transport, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Riverside, CA
(2)CA, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Riverside, CA
(3)Department of Environmental and Technical Sciences, Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid (UFERSA), MossorĂ³, Brazil
(4)US Salinity Laboratory, Water Reuse and Remediation, USDA-ARS Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, CA
Poster Presentation
  • ASA-CSA-SSSA-RefETposter-RGAv2.pdf (1.3 MB)
  • Abstract:
    Accurate parameterization of reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is necessary for optimizing irrigation scheduling and avoiding costs associated with over-irrigation (water expense, loss of water productivity, energy costs, pollution) or with under-irrigation (crop stress and suboptimal yields or quality).  ET0 is often estimated using meteorological data gathered over a reference surface, usually short grass.  However, the density of suitable ET0 stations is often low relative to the microclimatic variability of many arid and semi-arid regions, leading to a different microclimate at an individual farm/field and potentially inaccurate ET0.  In this study we investigated 11 ET0 products from five reference meteorological stations, a non-reference meteorological station located on field with multiple reference ET equations, a satellite ET0 product, and integration (merger) of the on farm data with the  closest ET0 station.  We intercompared the ET0 products and evaluated the ET0 against lysimetric ET observations from two lysimeter systems (weighing and volumetric) and two crops (wine grapes and Jerusalem artichoke) in Southern California.  The results show a major difference (50% or ~0.9 m s-1) in wind speed despite the short distance between the stations (<3 km) and a systematically lower ET0 when the field-specific wind speed is incorporated.  The merged reference ET had the best stability of crop coefficients for the wine grape field and had the closest agreement with parameterized Kc (highest r2=0.91 and 2nd lowest RMSE =0.17).  The results indicate the potential importance of on farm/field meteorological sensors for ET0 parameterization; particularly in variable microclimates and/or irrigation water is expensive.

    See more from this Division: ASA Section: Climatology and Modeling
    See more from this Session: Evapotranspiration Measurements and Modeling Poster (includes student competition)

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