Elemental Analysis Solutions for Farm-to-Table Safety, Quality and Sustainability
WorkshopsThis workshop will focus on simple, routine and sophisticated science-based elemental analysis solutions for a reliable, precise, accurate and harmonious global decision making process for safe and nutritious food. These analysis methods can provide actionable results at any stage of the food production process – from the presence of required elemental nutrients to threats from elemental and metal contaminants. This workshop includes technology and method overviews, hands-on learning and interaction with experts.
Methods for the laboratory, factory and field will be presented. Two primary areas will be focused on: 1. Elemental content determination, characterization and profiling for sustainable and healthy soil, crops and food. 2. Quality and hazardous elemental analysis at critical control points for food management and inspection in raw materials, processing and finished products.
Approved for 2.5 PD CEUs