Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Title: 5 Minute Rapid: Denitrification Strategies to Reduce Nutrient Excesses in Waterways

Organizer: Gary W. Feyereisen
Moderator: Gary W. Feyereisen
Lead Community Sponsor: Managing Denitrification in Agronomic Systems Community
Community Cosponsor: Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: denitrification, nitrate nitrogen, subsurface drainage and water quality

Session Description: Nutrient losses from agronomic systems to surface and groundwater continue as a vexing problem associated with producing food for a growing population.  Denitrification is one process by which nitrate-N can be removed from agricultural runoff.  A number of practices enhance denitrification:  e.g. natural and constructed wetlands, saturated buffers, bioreactors.  This session is designed to bring together researchers and practitioners from the wide disciplines working on denitrification (e.g. subsurface drainage, microbiology, ecology, soil science, agronomy) to explore not only nitrate-N removal, but also total outcomes on water and environmental quality (nutrients and contaminants of emerging concern), gaseous consequences, and microbial effects.