Managing Global Resources for a Secure Future

2017 Annual Meeting | Oct. 22-25 | Tampa, FL

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Division: SSSA Division: Pedology

Title: Coevolution of Soils and Landscapes Poster (includes student competition)

Organizer: Craig Rasmussen
Moderators: Craig Rasmussen and Vance Almquist
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Poster Topical Session
Keywords: evolution, landscape and pedology

Session Description: This symposium centers on the questions: How do soil forming processes affect how matter and energy are translated into shaping a landscape? How might soil evolution interact with landscape (or even, biological) evolution? Is a soil dictated by the landform, vice-versa, or neither? The questions are purposefully open-ended, yet answering them and questions like them, is necessary to integrate soils as dynamic agents of change over long timescales, and long length-scales. We invite speakers to present recent work  highlighting fundamental gaps in understanding of soil-bio-geomorphic interactions across timescales and how they may be important to other fields of study.