Managing Global Resources for a Secure Future

2017 Annual Meeting | Oct. 22-25 | Tampa, FL

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Division: SSSA Division: Soils and Environmental Quality

Title: Managing, Manipulating, and Predicting Phosphorus Losses in Phosphorus Saturated Soils: Current State of the Science Oral (includes student competition)

Organizers: Hui Li , Gurpal S Toor and Andrew N. Sharpley
Moderators: Gurpal S Toor and Andrew N. Sharpley
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor: Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: animal manure, best management and phosphorus

Session Description: Many soils in the developed countries with intensive animal production are sufficiently saturated with phosphorus (P) due to the historic applications of animal manures. This has resulted in elevating soil test P (STP) to above agronomic levels, which limits farmers to effectively recycle manures. In these settings, there is increased regulatory pressure to reduce manure applications. This session seeks presentations that articulate innovative and transformative solutions to effectively manage future manure applications in P saturated soils, suggest ways to manipulate STP that decreases P loss, and recommend strategies to better predict decline in STP and P loss to water bodies.