Managing Global Resources for a Secure Future

2017 Annual Meeting | Oct. 22-25 | Tampa, FL

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Division: ASA Section: Land Management and Conservation

Title: Symposium--Next Generation Soil Health Assessment

Organizer: Kristen Sloan Veum
Moderator: Kristen Sloan Veum
Lead Community Sponsor: Soil Health Community
Cosponsor: SSSA Division: Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Community Cosponsor: Precision Agriculture Systems Community
Format: Oral Symposium
Keywords: functional genomics, morphometrics, soil health and soil sensing

Session Description: This symposium will focus on opportunities and challenges in soil health research, including novel and innovative techniques in soil biology, chemistry, and physics that will move the science behind soil health assessment forward. Topics include mining genomics databases and the application of functional genomics to soil health assessment. In addition, speakers will cover new ideas and research in the use and application of soil sensing for rapid estimation of multiple soil properties, methods for linking soil profiles to ecosystem services, and ways to handle uncertainty and variability in soil health measurements. This session will include our Community Planning Session.