Managing Global Resources for a Secure Future

2017 Annual Meeting | Oct. 22-25 | Tampa, FL

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Division: SSSA Division: Soil Physics and Hydrology

Title: Applying Soil Physics and Hydrology to Soil Health

Organizers: Ziru Liu and Ryan Stewart
Moderators: Ziru Liu and Ryan Stewart
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: soil structure

Session Description: Soil health plays an important role in supporting a vibrant, profitable, and sustainable ecosystem. Soil physical properties are important soil health indicators as they provide information about infiltration, water holding capacity, soil erodibility, compaction and more. Soil physical health also support other important soil functions such as nutrient cycling and biodiversity. This session will provide a platform to discuss topics in how to use soil physical measurements to characterize soil health status, how soil health practices affect short-term and long-term soil physical properties, and the interactions between soil physical properties and soil chemical and biological properties to support soil health.