Managing Global Resources for a Secure Future

2017 Annual Meeting | Oct. 22-25 | Tampa, FL

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Division: Workshops

Title: Analyzing Repeated Measures Data

Organizer: Edzard van Santen
Lead Community Sponsor:
Cosponsor: C05 Turfgrass Science, C06 Forage and Grazinglands, ASA Section: Biometry and Statistical Computing
Community Cosponsor:
Format: None (Admin Only)
Keywords: Mixed models analysis, Perennial crops, R-side modeling and Repeated measures designs

Session Description: Ticket Required to Attend: Please repeat after me - “Analysis of repeated measures does NOT have to be hard but it requires time and effort.” Whenever you are taking multiple observations over time or depth on the same experimental unit you have a repeated measures situation. A split-plot in time restriction is just a very special case of a repeated measures design, where the residuals fulfill the NIR assumption, where INDEPENDENT is the operative term. In this 4-hr, hands-on workshop we will be using SAS software to do a complete analysis of two datasets that might typically arise in forage and/or turf research, where researchers deal with perennial crops.  We will use visual and analytic approaches to arrive at a plausible, perhaps ideal, residual covariance structure (R-side modeling). Participants are expected to have SAS and EXCEL installed on their laptops, which you accompany them, and have a basic knowledge of data import/export and mixed models procedures in SAS. Participants accessing SAS remotely are on their own regarding the connection aspect. Connection issues should be solved BEFORE the workshop begins.