Managing Global Resources for a Secure Future

2017 Annual Meeting | Oct. 22-25 | Tampa, FL

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Division: ASA Section: Global Agronomy

Title: Managing Water Resources for a Secure Future Poster (includes student competition)

Organizer: Gary Feng
Lead Community Sponsor: U.S.-Sino Agricultural Research Forum Community
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Poster Topical Session
Keywords: Crop water requirement, irrigation, soil and water conservation and vadose zone and groundwater hydrology

Session Description: Both USA and China face challenges of water scarcity and contamination, groundwater depletion, more drought and flooding. Developing sustainable water management strategies is extremely important. We will accept presentations on crop water requirements; SPAC; irrigation scheduling and technology; soil and water conservation; surface and groundwater dynamics, quality and interactions; vadose zone and groundwater transport of contaminants; the impact of climate change on crop water use and groundwater recharge; and assessment of water scarcity and risk. Research could be at local, regional, national or global scales using either experimental or modeling approach.