Session: Symposium--Change Is Hard: Obstacles to Implementation of Recommendations to Farmers, Crop Advisers, and Students

Division: ASA Section: Education and Extension

Title: Symposium--Change Is Hard: Obstacles to Implementation of Recommendations to Farmers, Crop Advisers, and Students

Organizer: David L. Holshouser
Moderator: David L. Holshouser
Lead Community Sponsor:
Cosponsor: C03 Crop Ecology, Management and Quality, ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems
Community Cosponsor: Extension Education Community, K-16 Education and Outreach Community
Format: Oral Symposium
Keywords: Extension, Recommendations, Sociology and Technology

Session Description: Farmers, students, and crop advisers do not readily accept change. Although we in Education and Extension recognize the value of emerging research and rapidly-changing technologies, we become frustrated when new and improved recommendations are not rapidly adapted and implemented.  This slowness in adaptation may be economical, conflict with competing goals, or does not logistically work for a given operation.  More often than not, change comprises psychological and sociological issues.  Regardless, reasons for not following recommendations are real and often justified.  This symposium will explore the economical, sociological, and practical obstacles to implementation of recommendations by farmers, crop advisers, and students.