Session: Symposium--Correctly Calculating Nitrogen Rates for Sustainable Crop Production and Environmental Protection: Advances in Nitrogen Management

Division: SSSA Division: Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition

Title: Symposium--Correctly Calculating Nitrogen Rates for Sustainable Crop Production and Environmental Protection: Advances in Nitrogen Management

Organizers: Fabian G. Fernandez and Kelly A. Nelson
Moderators: Fabian G. Fernandez and Janel Martin
Lead Community Sponsor:
Cosponsor: SSSA Division: Nutrient Management and Soil and Plant Analysis
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Symposium
Keywords: Cover crops, Nitrogen rate recommendations, Organic nitrogen fertilizer and Precision nitrogen management

Session Description: This second portion of a two-part symposium will focus on advances towards quantifying the adjustments to nitrogen rate values based on management practices including nitrogen timing, source, and placement method and cropping system.