Use of Soil Sensor-Based Irrigation Scheduling for Corn Production in Alabama.
Use of Soil Sensor-Based Irrigation Scheduling for Corn Production in Alabama.
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See more from this Session: Graduate Student Oral Competiton – M.S. Students
Monday, February 4, 2019: 8:45 AM
Irrigated land has been increasing in Alabama over the past few years. Based on this increase irrigation acreage scenario, farmers have been able to achieve higher yields. However, they are demanding training on irrigation scheduling practices, timing and rate. In a survey conducted in North Alabama in 2018, 50 percent of the farmers and consultants answered that they don’t have strong knowledge on irrigation scheduling and only few farmers have been using soil sensors for irrigation scheduling. In 2018, three demonstration sites in North Alabama were established to compare soil sensor-based scheduling against farmer irrigation practices. Three farmers focus groups have been established at each demonstration site with the goal of training farmers and consultants on the use of soil sensors for irrigation. At each field, management zones were delineated based on past yield maps, terrain elevation, soil texture and soil electrical conductivity. Soil water tensions sensors were installed in contrasting management zones to evaluate differences on irrigation requirements. Soil water depletion, water content, irrigation timing and rate were calculated from soil sensors data. Demonstration results were used to train farmers and consultants on the differences of irrigation rates and timing between the management zones. The soil sensor-based approach helped farmers understand in-season crop water use and to make better decisions to increase water use efficiency and profitability.
See more from this Division: Submissions
See more from this Session: Graduate Student Oral Competiton – M.S. Students