Decision Support System for Planting and Physiological Maturity of Mississippi Corn.
Decision Support System for Planting and Physiological Maturity of Mississippi Corn.
Poster Number
See more from this Division: Submissions
See more from this Session: Professional Poster – Crops
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Mississippi’s shift in cropping system dominance from upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to corn (Zea mays L.) has caused variably-scaled challenges (at the field-, farmscape-, and regional-scales) for producers and other crop care professionals. Rather dramatic shifts in crop sequences, commodity prices, planting intensities, and weather patterns have produced inter-related complications associated with the initiation of planting. Ancillary knowledge gaps include: risk assessment determinations, maturity dates based on growing degree units (GDUs), and gauging potential yield penalties for continuous production. Geospatial integration of a 5-year corn production footprint (derived from 2013-2017 Cropland Data Layers) with a series of updated temperature-based planting date probability maps enables farmers and other crop professionals to adapt management strategies, minimize risk, and help improve farm-gate earnings. The 5-year corn production footprint occupies over 50% of Mississippi’s harvested land base. Actually, since 2007, over half of the counties in the Delta have invested between 60-85% of their arable land in corn. Geospatial analyses, based on PRISM data models (at a resolution of 16 km2) compared to interpolated temperature-threshold maps from 330 weather stations, have indicated close to 20% of the statewide acreages could advance planting dates 1-3 weeks at a very low risk of 10%. Our decision support models integrate time to crop maturity using growing degree units (GDUs) with optimal planting date intervals. We are also developing an Excel-based system that will allow a producer to link their fields to the PRISM-gridded datasets; GDUs are calculated and accumulated for a producer’s fields based on the planting date entered along with the GDU requirements for the corn variety planted. These maps and new Excel tools will help producers maintain a competitive edge in corn commodity markets.
See more from this Division: Submissions
See more from this Session: Professional Poster – Crops