Title: P Cycling in Soils: From the Molecular to the Field Scale Poster (includes student competition)
Lead Community Sponsor:
Cosponsor: SSSA Division: Soil Physics and Hydrology, SSSA Division: Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Poster Topical Session
Keywords: Biological P , Inorganic and Organic P , P cycling and Soil phosphorus
Session Description: This session will focus on links among various approaches and scales to studying P in soils and ultimately developing an integrated model for soil P cycling. Bottom-up information exchange may lead to more mechanistic field-scale models and top-down information sharing will inform scientists working at small scales how to better make their studies relevant to macroscopic P biogeochemical cycling. We seek soil chemists, physicists, and biologists who are experimentalists and modelers to come together to share knowledge and discuss a path forward to designing integrated research plans for understanding the complex behavior of this critical nutrient in Earth's critical zone.