Session: Special Session Symposium--Planning for a Successful Retirement


Division: Special Sessions

Title: Special Session Symposium--Planning for a Successful Retirement

Moderator: Michael J. Singer
Organizer: Susan M. Chapman
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Symposium
Keywords: Emeritus and Retirement

Session Description: Preparing for a purposeful retirement requires thought and planning.  An active, purposeful, and meaningful retirement includes planning ahead to consider what retirement looks like, activities that are meaningful, using one’s science base to address broader issues, maintaining connections, and even staying involved with the Societies.  Join us for this special session which will include a mix of speakers and discussions.  Note that while financial and healthcare options are important and there are modes of retirement to consider (phased retirement, recall appointments for special services, full retirement, and consulting opportunities), these considerations are specific to each individual and will not be addressed in this session.