Session: Women in Science Meet-and-Greet - All Are Welcome!

Division: Food Functions/Receptions

Title: Women in Science Meet-and-Greet - All Are Welcome!

Organizers: Susan M. Chapman and Sabine Goldberg
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Society Food Functions
Keywords: dual career problem, meet-and-greet and reception

Session Description: This Meet-and-Greet will follow the Women in Science "Dual-Career Problem" panel discussion (Tuesday 3:00-4:30 pm). The panel discussion will consist of scientists who have experienced spousal placement as well as administrators who can speak to official university spousal placement policies. The meet-and greet continues from the highly successful and well-attended 2017 event: Food (and Drink!) For Thought: A Facilitated Networking Event from Women in Soil Science. Thank you to Bio Huma Netics, the Agronomic Science Foundation, and SSSA (program planning) and the SSSA Cross-Divisional program for support and funding.