Session: Are Extracted Humic Substances Relevant to Studies of Natural Organic Matter? Oral II (includes student competition)


Division: SSSA Division: Soil Chemistry

Title: Are Extracted Humic Substances Relevant to Studies of Natural Organic Matter? Oral II (includes student competition)

Organizers: Dan Olk , Markus Kleber , Paul R. Bloom , Tsutomu Ohno and Edward G Gregorich
Moderators: Nikolla P. Qafoku , Sabine Goldberg , Alain F. Plante and Garrison Sposito
Lead Community Sponsor:
Cosponsor: SSSA Division: Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: Humic substances

Session Description: Humic fractions prepared through chemical extractions have been used for centuries to study NOM in terrestrial and aquatic systems. Recently critics have asserted that extracted humic substances are so altered by the extraction procedures that they have no environmental meaning and are therefore irrelevant for NOM studies. A variety of issues will be debated by proponents and opponents of humic substances in the morning and afternoon sessions and a panel discussion.