310 Advances In Bioremediation and Ecosystem Restoration

ASA Section: Environmental Quality
Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 12:55 PM-3:00 PM
Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 217C
Bob Hubbard
Robert Hubbard
1:00 PM
Phytoremediation of Organic and Mineral Soils Contaminated with Multiple Trace Elements.
Alison P. Murata, University of Manitoba; Francis Zvomuya, University of Manitoba
1:15 PM
Phytoremediation Potential of Pityrogramma Calomelanos Var. Austroamericana and Pteris Vittata L. At a Highly Variable Arsenic Contaminated Site.
Nabeel K. Niazi, University of Sydney; Balwant Singh, University Of Sydney; Lukas Van Zwieten, Industry & Investment NSW; Anthony Kachenko, Nursery & Garden Industry Australia
1:30 PM
Chemical Characteristics of Sediments Used for Coversoiling a Mine Tailings Pond and Effects On Plant Growth.
Katie Rothlisberger, Texas A&M University; Hamid Shahandeh, Texas A&M University; Frank M. Hons, Texas A&M University; Terry Moore, BP Remediation Management
2:15 PM
Simulation of Pesticide Transport Using the Riparian Ecosystem Management Model.
Richard Lowrance, USDA-ARS; Randy Williams, USDA-ARS; Don Wauchope, USDA-ARS
2:30 PM
Use of Floating Vegetated Mats to Remove Nutrients From Surface Waters.
Robert Hubbard, USDA ARS; William Anderson, USDA ARS; Gary Burtle, University of Georgia; G. Larry Newton, University of Georgia; John Ruter, University of Georgia; Jeffrey Wilson, USDA ARS
2:45 PM
Remediation of Derelict Poultry House Pad Soils.
Gordon Charles C. Johnson, University of Delaware; Gregory Binford, University of Delaware
3:00 PM