347 Redox and Surficial Reactions In Soils: I

S02 Soil Chemistry
Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 12:55 PM-2:00 PM
Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 213A
John Seaman
1:00 PM
Determining the Effects of Abiotic Reduction and Crystallization of Ferric Hydroxides Associated with Organic Matter.
Yumiko K. Henneberry, University of California, Davis; Tamara Kraus, USGS; Peter Nico, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; William Horwath, University of California-Davis
1:15 PM
Reactions of Nitrite with Goethite and Surface Iron(II)-Goethite Complexes.
Prakash Dhakal, University of Kentucky; Christopher Matocha, Univ. of Kentucky
1:30 PM
Could Magnetite Be a Stable and Promising Iron Mineral Phase for Immobilizing Arsenic?.
Jing Sun, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory; Steven Chillrud, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory; Benjamin Bostick, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
1:45 PM
Cr(VI) Behavior In Subsurface Soil From Savannah River Site Through Laboratory and Modeling Efforts.
Hyun-shik Chang, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory; John Seaman, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory; Julian Singer, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
2:00 PM
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