The Solar Corridor Crop System To Maximize Sustainable Yield.

Monday, November 4, 2013: 10:05 AM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 11, First Floor

Charles LeRoy Deichman, Deichman Consulting, Shelbyville, MO
The properly designed and developed Solar Corridor Crop System (SCCS) captures more incident sunlight and does so on a more sustainable basis than current best management practices.

Data presented will show that specific hybrids produced as much or more corn from 1 twin row in the fully developed solar corridor treatment as the state of the art controls produced in 2 rows.  (10% of those screened for the study indicated that they had the potential to produce at that level.  All [3] of those 10%, that we entered in the study, delivered, at the above level.)

The author(s) hypothesize that; with additional chloroplasts accessing the vast energy catalyst, more atmospheric CO2 may be sourced, resulting in the production of more photosynthates being made available for the most productive reproductive sinks. Those varieties that express both the phenotypic capability to sustain source productivity from the mature chloroplasts over a greater duration of time and the reproductive sinks that have the apparent capability to utilize the extra photosynthates are the hybrid characteristics that we think will offer the greatest productivity response to the solar corridor production system.

The proper design, scope, details and sustainability specifics will be the focus of this paper.

See more from this Division: ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems
See more from this Session: Solar Corridor, Wide-Row, and Intercrop Production Systems

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