Solar Corridor, Wide-Row, and Intercrop Production Systems

Oral Session

ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems

Alternative cropping systems efficiently use solar radiation based on unique planting designs to enhance plant capture of sunlight, driving higher photosynthetic rates. Planting arrangements, based on inter-cropping methods and row spacing, integrate tall-statured crops (i.e., corn) for full exposure to sunlight with shorter inter-seeded crops grown for grain, forage or soil cover. Session papers will demonstrate potential of alternative systems for practical, efficient crop production, and specifically a) demonstrate basic agronomic principles of light interception, solar radiation use, and water use efficiency; b) illustrate impacts on crop yields, inter-crop productivity, and soil quality; and c) prioritize future research direction.


Solar Corridor Crop System Community
Agronomic Production Systems
Monday, November 4, 2013: 10:00 AM-11:05 AM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 11
Community Leader:
Robert J. Kremer
Bill Evans and Charles LeRoy Deichman
10:00 AM
Introductory Remarks
10:05 AM
The Solar Corridor Crop System To Maximize Sustainable Yield.
Charles LeRoy Deichman, Deichman Consulting
10:20 AM
Maize Performance As Determined By Planting Date In a Cover Crop-Based Rotational No-Till Production System.
M. Scott Wells, North Carolina State University; Samuel Christopher Reberg-Horton, North Carolina State University; Steven Mirsky, USDA, ARS, ANRI
10:35 AM
Soil Quality Associated With Various Corn Hybrids Grown in a Solar Corridor System.
Robert J. Kremer, USDA-ARS; Timothy M. Reinbott, University of Missouri; Kristen S. Veum, USDA-ARS & University of Missouri; Charles LeRoy Deichman, Deichman Consulting
10:50 AM
Very Wide Row Corn Performance in a Mississippi Trial.
Bill Evans, Mississippi State University
11:05 AM