Monday |
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Monday |
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Wednesday |
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Tuesday, 7 October 2008
6:30 AM-8:00 AM
7:00 AM-8:00 AM
7:00 AM-8:30 AM
7:00 AM-9:00 AM
7:00 AM-12:00 PM
7:00 AM-6:00 PM
7:30 AM-12:00 PM
7:30 AM-5:30 PM
7:40 AM-11:45 AM
7:55 AM-11:00 AM
Oral Session
Pesticides and Contaminants in Soil: I (includes Graduate Student Competition)
(S11 Soils & Environmental Quality)
(S11 Soils & Environmental Quality)
7:55 AM-11:05 AM
7:55 AM-11:40 AM
Oral Session
Symposium--Challenges to Transforming Forage Germplasm into Bioenergy Crops
(C06 Forage and Grazinglands; A10 Bioenergy and Agroindustrial Systems (Provisional), C08 Plant Genetic Resources )
(C06 Forage and Grazinglands; A10 Bioenergy and Agroindustrial Systems (Provisional), C08 Plant Genetic Resources )
7:55 AM-12:20 PM
Oral Session
Symposium --Pedology, Soil Change, and Management Effects on Soil Quality
(S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation; S05 Pedology, S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils, Soil Quality Working Group--S03 )
(S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation; S05 Pedology, S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils, Soil Quality Working Group--S03 )
7:55 AM-1:00 PM
Oral Session
Symposium--Accelerated Yields: Meeting Increasing Demands/Div. C03 Business Meeting
(C03 Crop Ecology, Management & Quality; A04 Extension Education, A09 Professional Practitioners )
(C03 Crop Ecology, Management & Quality; A04 Extension Education, A09 Professional Practitioners )
8:00 AM-10:00 AM
8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Oral Session
Oral Session
J19. Soil Respiration: From Human to Geologic Time Scales
(S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry; S05 Pedology; S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils; S09 Soil Mineralogy; The Clay Minerals Society)
(S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry; S05 Pedology; S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils; S09 Soil Mineralogy; The Clay Minerals Society)
Oral Session
J21. Subsurface Fate and Transport of Agricultural Contaminants
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; S02 Soil Chemistry; S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation; S11 Soils & Environmental Quality)
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; S02 Soil Chemistry; S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation; S11 Soils & Environmental Quality)
Oral Session
T7. The Mississippi River Delta as a Natural Laboratory for Evaluating Coastal Response to Relative Sea-Level Rise and Innovations in Transgressive Coastal Management: Shea Penland Memorial Session
(U.S. Geological Survey; Louisiana Department of Natural Resources; Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental Sciences; New Orleans Geological Society; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(U.S. Geological Survey; Louisiana Department of Natural Resources; Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental Sciences; New Orleans Geological Society; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T11. Global Warming Science: Implications for Geoscientists, Educators, and Policy Makers I
(GSA Geoscience Education Division; The American Quaternary Association (AMQUA); GSA Geology and Health Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers; Gulf Coast A)
(GSA Geoscience Education Division; The American Quaternary Association (AMQUA); GSA Geology and Health Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers; Gulf Coast A)
Oral Session
T30. River-Dominated Continental Margin Processes: Modern and Ancient
(GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; Gulf Coast Section SEPM, GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; Gulf Coast Section SEPM, GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T35. Paleozoic Oceanographic and Climatic Changes: Evidence from Seawater Geochemistry and Sedimentology Records I
(Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T40. After the Last Ammonite and before the First Horse: Patterns of Ecological and Climatic Change during the Paleocene
(Paleontological Society; Denver Museum of Nature & Science)
(Paleontological Society; Denver Museum of Nature & Science)
Oral Session
T42. Breaking the Curve: Historical Development, Current State, and Future Prospects for Understanding Local and Regional Processes Governing Global Diversity I
(Paleontological Society; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(Paleontological Society; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T59. EarthScope: Bringing Geology and Geophysics Together to Study the 4-D Evolution of the Lithosphere
(GSA Geophysics Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Geoinformatics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Geophysics Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Geoinformatics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T79. The Himalayan Orogen and Rise of the Tibetan Plateau: An Earth Systems Approach to the Tectonic and Landscape Evolution of Asia
(GSA International Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA History of Geology Division; GSA Geophysics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological )
(GSA International Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA History of Geology Division; GSA Geophysics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological )
Oral Session
T80. Antarctic Science in the International Polar Year—Geologic Evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula: Changes in Tectonics, Biota, and Climate over Time
(Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T88. Evolution of Simple Granite Systems (Haplogranites) and Rhyolites: A 50th Anniversary Perspective of the Tuttle and Bowen Studies
(Mineralogical Society of America)
(Mineralogical Society of America)

Oral Session
T104. The Role of Field Geology and Geophysics in the Return to the Moon
(GSA Planetary Geology Division; Field Exploration and Analysis Team (FEAT))
(GSA Planetary Geology Division; Field Exploration and Analysis Team (FEAT))
Oral Session
T136. Sulfates in the Solar System
(GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T139. Sources, Transport, Fate, and Toxicology of Trace Elements in the Environment I
(International Association of GeoChemistry; GSA Hydrogeology Division)
(International Association of GeoChemistry; GSA Hydrogeology Division)
Oral Session
T146. Hypogenic Karst: Shedding Light on Once Poorly Understood Hydrologic and Morphologic Features
(National Cave and Karst Research Institute; GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(National Cave and Karst Research Institute; GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T152. In Situ Approaches for Measuring Biodegradation Potential and Rates in Subsurface Environments
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T162. Advances in Surface Water–Groundwater Interactions: Investigations of Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T184. Advances in Using Recent and Emerging Technologies to Facilitate Learning of the Geosciences in the Classroom, Laboratory, and Field
(Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T187. Research on Geoscience Teaching and Learning in Experiential Environments
(National Association of Geoscience Teachers; GSA Geoscience Education Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(National Association of Geoscience Teachers; GSA Geoscience Education Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T207. Alpine Concepts in Geology and the Evolution of Geological Thought
(GSA History of Geology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA International Division; GSA Geophysics Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers)
(GSA History of Geology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA International Division; GSA Geophysics Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers)
Oral Session
T17. Integration of Soils and Geomorphology in Deserts: A Tribute to the 50 Years of Soil Research of Dan Yaalon
(GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; S05 Pedology; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; S05 Pedology; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
GC2. Applied Micropaleontology: Tools and Techniques for the 21st Century
(Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research; Paleontological Society; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies; Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM); Paleontological Research Institute)
(Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research; Paleontological Society; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies; Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM); Paleontological Research Institute)
8:00 AM-12:25 PM
Oral Session
Symposium --Nutrient Budgets in the Balance: What Have We Learned?
(S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils)
(S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils)
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Poster Session
J7. Digital Detection, Interpretation, and Mapping of Soil, Sediments and Bedrock (Posters)
(GSA Geoinformatics Division; S05 Pedology; S09 Soil Mineralogy)
(GSA Geoinformatics Division; S05 Pedology; S09 Soil Mineralogy)
Poster Session
J15. Organic Contaminants in Water, Soil and Sediments: Sources, Interactions and Ecological Impacts (Posters)
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; National Ground Water Association–Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers; A05 Environmental Quality; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies; S11 Soils & Environmental Quality; S02 Soil Chemistry; S03 Soil B)
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; National Ground Water Association–Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers; A05 Environmental Quality; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies; S11 Soils & Environmental Quality; S02 Soil Chemistry; S03 Soil B)
Poster Session
J21. Subsurface Fate and Transport of Agricultural Contaminants (Posters)
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; S02 Soil Chemistry; S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation; S11 Soils & Environmental Quality)
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; S02 Soil Chemistry; S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation; S11 Soils & Environmental Quality)
Poster Session
J22. U.S. Agriculture’s Role in Soil Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation (GRACEnet) (Posters)
(GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division; S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry; S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation)
(GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division; S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry; S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation)
Poster Session
T37. The Western Interior Seaway (Posters)
(Paleontological Society; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(Paleontological Society; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Poster Session
T59. EarthScope: Bringing Geology and Geophysics Together to Study the 4-D Evolution of the Lithosphere (Posters)
(GSA Geophysics Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Geoinformatics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Geophysics Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Geoinformatics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Poster Session
T97. Terrestrial Impact Structures: Origin, Structure, and Evolution (Posters)
(GSA Planetary Geology Division; International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP); GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Geophysics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Planetary Geology Division; International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP); GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Geophysics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Poster Session
T147. Innovative Methods for Investigating Flow and Transport in Karst Systems (Posters)
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Poster Session
T162. Advances in Surface Water–Groundwater Interactions: Investigations of Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands (Posters)
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
8:10 AM-11:30 AM
Oral Session
Genetic Diversity and Conservation of Crop Germplasm/Div. C08 Business Meeting
(C08 Plant Genetic Resources)
(C08 Plant Genetic Resources)
8:10 AM-12:15 PM
Oral Session
Symposium --Nitrogen Management in Cotton Production/Div. A09 Business Meeting
(A09 Professional Practitioners; S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition )
(A09 Professional Practitioners; S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition )
8:20 AM-11:45 AM
Oral Session
Symposium --Meeting the Demand for Food, Feed, Fiber, and Biofuels: Impacts and Production Practices
(A08 Integrated Agricultural Systems; A10 Bioenergy and Agroindustrial Systems (Provisional), C03 Crop Ecology, Management & Quality, S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition, S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation )
(A08 Integrated Agricultural Systems; A10 Bioenergy and Agroindustrial Systems (Provisional), C03 Crop Ecology, Management & Quality, S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition, S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation )
8:20 AM-3:25 PM
Oral Session
Symposium --Integrating Instrumentation, Modeling, and Remote Sensing in Honor of John Norman
(A03 Agroclimatology & Agronomic Modeling; A08 Integrated Agricultural Systems, S01 Soil Physics )
(A03 Agroclimatology & Agronomic Modeling; A08 Integrated Agricultural Systems, S01 Soil Physics )
8:25 AM-11:30 AM
Oral Session
Tools for Improving Nitrogen Management
(S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition; S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis )
(S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition; S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis )
8:25 AM-11:45 AM
Oral Session
Symposium --Biofuels in Developing Countries: Opportunities and Risks
(A06 International Agronomy; A10 Bioenergy and Agroindustrial Systems (Provisional) )
(A06 International Agronomy; A10 Bioenergy and Agroindustrial Systems (Provisional) )
8:25 AM-12:00 PM
Oral Session
Symposium --Black Carbon in Soils and Sediments: III. Environmental Function
(S02 Soil Chemistry; Geochemical Society, International Humic Substances, S05 Pedology, S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils, S09 Soil Mineralogy, S11 Soils & Environmental Quality )
(S02 Soil Chemistry; Geochemical Society, International Humic Substances, S05 Pedology, S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils, S09 Soil Mineralogy, S11 Soils & Environmental Quality )
8:25 AM-12:25 PM
Oral Session
8:40 AM-11:45 AM
Oral Session
Symposium --Drought Resistance and Water-Use Efficiency: Experiments and Models
(C02 Crop Physiology and Metabolism)
(C02 Crop Physiology and Metabolism)
8:55 AM-11:40 AM
8:55 AM-11:45 AM
Oral Session
Oral Session
Soil Quality and Cover Crops (includes Graduate Student Competition)
(S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation)
(S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation)
8:55 AM-12:00 PM
Oral Session
Symposium --Soil Testing Requirements in an Increasingly Monitored Environment
(S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis; S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition )
(S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis; S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition )
Oral Session
9:00 AM-10:00 AM
9:00 AM-11:00 AM
9:00 AM-11:30 AM
Oral Session
9:00 AM-12:00 PM
9:25 AM-10:30 AM
Oral Session
Career Opportunities in Professional Soil Science Consulting
(Z06 National Society of Consulting Soil Scientists--Invited Abstracts Only)
(Z06 National Society of Consulting Soil Scientists--Invited Abstracts Only)
9:25 AM-10:45 AM
Oral Session
Genetic Mechanisms for Enhancing Yield and Quality
(C07 Genomics, Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology)
(C07 Genomics, Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology)
9:55 AM-12:30 PM
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Poster Session
Seed Production, Education and Physiology (Posters)
(C04 Seed Physiology, Production & Technology)
(C04 Seed Physiology, Production & Technology)
Poster Session
Oral Session
GC11. Old Fields-New Life: How New Technologies or New Ideas Have Made a Difference
(GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
10:30 AM-11:30 AM
10:45 AM-12:00 PM
10:55 AM-12:00 PM
Oral Session
The Business of Soil Science Consulting
(Z06 National Society of Consulting Soil Scientists--Invited Abstracts Only)
(Z06 National Society of Consulting Soil Scientists--Invited Abstracts Only)
11:00 AM-2:00 PM
11:15 AM-12:00 PM
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
11:25 AM-12:25 PM
11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Oral Session
Women in Agronomy, Crops, Soils & Environmental Sciences Luncheon co-sponsored by SSSA, ASA, CSSA Agronomy, Crops, Soils & Environmental Science Committee, GSA Minorities and Women in the Geosciences Committee
(Z01 SSSA-ASA-CSSA Special Programs--Invited Abstracts Only)
(Z01 SSSA-ASA-CSSA Special Programs--Invited Abstracts Only)
11:30 AM-1:30 PM
11:30 AM-2:00 PM
11:45 AM-1:00 PM
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
12:00 PM-1:15 PM
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
12:00 PM-2:00 PM
12:00 PM-3:00 PM
12:15 PM-1:15 PM
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Oral Session
How to Become an Entrepreneur in Soil Science
(Z02 ACS530 Early Career Member--Invited Abstracts Only; S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry )
(Z02 ACS530 Early Career Member--Invited Abstracts Only; S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry )
12:30 PM-2:30 PM
12:35 PM-2:40 PM
Oral Session
Symposium --Nutrient Cycling in the Production of Bioenergy Crops
(S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition; A08 Integrated Agricultural Systems, A09 Professional Practitioners, S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis )
(S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition; A08 Integrated Agricultural Systems, A09 Professional Practitioners, S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis )
12:40 PM-4:30 PM
Oral Session
Pesticides and Contaminants in Soil: II (includes Graduate Student Competition)/Div. S11 Business Meeting
(S11 Soils & Environmental Quality)
(S11 Soils & Environmental Quality)
12:55 PM-3:05 PM
Oral Session
12:55 PM-3:20 PM
12:55 PM-3:40 PM
Oral Session
Invasive Plant Management on Military Lands/Div. A02 Business Meeting
(A02 Military Land Use & Management)
(A02 Military Land Use & Management)
12:55 PM-4:00 PM
Oral Session
1:00 PM-2:00 PM
ACS526 Women in Agronomy, Crops, Soils and Environmental Sciences Committee Meeting
(Events: Committee Meetings)
(Events: Committee Meetings)
1:00 PM-2:30 PM
US State Department United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
(Events: Committee Meetings)
(Events: Committee Meetings)
1:00 PM-3:00 PM
1:00 PM-3:35 PM
Oral Session
Martin and Ruth Massengale Lectureship/Div. C02 Business Meeting
(C02 Crop Physiology and Metabolism)
(C02 Crop Physiology and Metabolism)
1:00 PM-4:30 PM
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
1:00 PM-6:30 PM
1:05 PM-4:45 PM
Oral Session
Symposium --The Role of Carbon and Energy Budgets in Organic Systems
(A08 Integrated Agricultural Systems; S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation )
(A08 Integrated Agricultural Systems; S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation )
1:10 PM-4:35 PM
Oral Session
1:25 PM-2:45 PM
Oral Session
The WRB (World Reference Base for Soil Resources)—Concept and Applicability for Different Scales from Local Soil Survey to Global Earth Observation Systems
(S05 Pedology; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (2), S09 Soil Mineralogy )
(S05 Pedology; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (2), S09 Soil Mineralogy )
1:25 PM-3:30 PM
Oral Session
The National Society of Consulting Soil Scientists Ethics Seminar
(Z06 National Society of Consulting Soil Scientists--Invited Abstracts Only)
(Z06 National Society of Consulting Soil Scientists--Invited Abstracts Only)
1:25 PM-3:40 PM
1:25 PM-3:45 PM
Oral Session
Oral Session
Symposium --Research Needs to Improve Soil Conservation Models
(S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation)
(S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation)
1:25 PM-4:30 PM
Oral Session
Symposium --Black Carbon in Soils and Sediments: IV. Stability and Carbon Sequestration Potential
(S02 Soil Chemistry; Geochemical Society, International Humic Substances, S05 Pedology, S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils, S09 Soil Mineralogy, S11 Soils & Environmental Quality )
(S02 Soil Chemistry; Geochemical Society, International Humic Substances, S05 Pedology, S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils, S09 Soil Mineralogy, S11 Soils & Environmental Quality )
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
1:30 PM-3:30 PM
Poster Session
1:30 PM-5:30 PM
Oral Session
J7. Digital Detection, Interpretation, and Mapping of Soil, Sediments and Bedrock
(GSA Geoinformatics Division; S05 Pedology; S09 Soil Mineralogy)
(GSA Geoinformatics Division; S05 Pedology; S09 Soil Mineralogy)
Oral Session
J22. U.S. Agriculture’s Role in Soil Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation (GRACEnet)
(GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division; S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry; S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation)
(GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division; S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry; S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation)
Oral Session
J23. Urban Geochemistry and Associated Human and Ecological Health Issues
(S11 Soils & Environmental Quality; S02 Soil Chemistry; GSA Geology and Health Division)
(S11 Soils & Environmental Quality; S02 Soil Chemistry; GSA Geology and Health Division)
Oral Session
P4. Large Scale Continental Deformation at Plate Boundaries
(GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division)
(GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division)
Oral Session
T11. Global Warming Science: Implications for Geoscientists, Educators, and Policy Makers II
(GSA Geoscience Education Division; The American Quaternary Association (AMQUA); GSA Geology and Health Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers; Gulf Coast A)
(GSA Geoscience Education Division; The American Quaternary Association (AMQUA); GSA Geology and Health Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers; Gulf Coast A)
Oral Session
T24. Lakes in Extreme Environments: Earth and Beyond
(GSA Limnogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Limnogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T35. Paleozoic Oceanographic and Climatic Changes: Evidence from Seawater Geochemistry and Sedimentology Records II
(Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T42. Breaking the Curve: Historical Development, Current State, and Future Prospects for Understanding Local and Regional Processes Governing Global Diversity II
(Paleontological Society; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(Paleontological Society; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)

Oral Session
T95. Mineralogic and Petrologic Mapping of Planetary Surfaces: The G.K. Gilbert Award Session
(GSA Planetary Geology Division)
(GSA Planetary Geology Division)
Oral Session
T97. Terrestrial Impact Structures: Origin, Structure, and Evolution
(GSA Planetary Geology Division; International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP); GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Geophysics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Planetary Geology Division; International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP); GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Geophysics Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T111. Modeling and Simulation of Dangerous Phenomena, and Innovative Techniques for Hazard Evaluation, Mapping, and Mitigation
(Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T133. Microbialites: A 3.5-Billion-Year Record of Microbe-Sediment Interactions
(GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T139. Sources, Transport, Fate, and Toxicology of Trace Elements in the Environment II
(International Association of GeoChemistry; GSA Hydrogeology Division)
(International Association of GeoChemistry; GSA Hydrogeology Division)
Oral Session
T170. From San Salvador and Beyond: A Tribute to Don and Kathy Gerace and the Development of the Gerace Research Centre
(Paleontological Society; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(Paleontological Society; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Hydrogeology Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T179. Geocognition: Researching Student Learning in the Geosciences
(GSA Geoscience Education Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Geoscience Education Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T182. Teaching Petrology and Structural Geology in the 21st Century
(GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; On the Cutting Edge; Geoscience Education Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; On the Cutting Edge; Geoscience Education Division; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
Oral Session
T208. History of the Influence of Religion on Geology and Geology on Religion
(GSA History of Geology Division; GSA Geology and Society Division)
(GSA History of Geology Division; GSA Geology and Society Division)
Oral Session
GC15. Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain Paleontology
(Paleontological Society; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
(Paleontological Society; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies)
1:30 PM-7:00 PM
1:35 PM-3:35 PM
1:55 PM-5:45 PM
Oral Session
Francis E. Clark Distinguished Lectureship on Frontiers in Soil Biology/Div. S03 Business Meeting and Reception
(S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry)
(S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry)
2:00 PM-3:30 PM
2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Poster Session
Nutrient Budgets in the Balance: What Have We Learned? (Posters)
(S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils)
(S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils)
2:00 PM-5:00 PM
2:10 PM-3:40 PM
2:30 PM-4:30 PM
2:55 PM-4:45 PM
3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Oral Session
Leo M. Walsh Soil Fertility Distinguished Lecture/Div S04/Div S08 Business Meeting
(S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition; S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis )
(S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition; S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis )
3:00 PM-5:30 PM
3:15 PM-4:45 PM
3:30 PM-4:30 PM
3:30 PM-4:35 PM
3:30 PM-5:00 PM
3:45 PM-4:45 PM
4:00 PM-6:00 AM
Poster Session
Maize, Grain Sorghum, and Sugarcane Breeding (includes Graduate Student Competition) (Posters)
(C01 Crop Breeding & Genetics)
(C01 Crop Breeding & Genetics)
4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Oral Session
4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Poster Session
Integrating Instrumentation, Modeling, and Remote Sensing (Posters)
(A03 Agroclimatology & Agronomic Modeling)
(A03 Agroclimatology & Agronomic Modeling)
Poster Session
Extension Education in Crop Management and Variety Selection: II (Posters)
(A04 Extension Education)
(A04 Extension Education)
Poster Session
Poster Session
Genetic Improvement of Soybean, Common Bean, and Peanut for Quality and Disease Resistance (includes Graduate Student Competition) (Posters)
(C01 Crop Breeding & Genetics)
(C01 Crop Breeding & Genetics)
Poster Session
Germplasm and Breeding for Tolerance to Abiotic Stress (includes Graduate Student Competition) (Posters)
(C01 Crop Breeding & Genetics)
(C01 Crop Breeding & Genetics)
Poster Session
Poster Session
Poster Session
Assessing Genetic Diversity by Molecular and Morphological Evaluation (Posters)
(C08 Plant Genetic Resources)
(C08 Plant Genetic Resources)
Poster Session
Poster Session
Collection and Utilization of Crop Germplasm for Quality and Other Traits (Posters)
(C08 Plant Genetic Resources)
(C08 Plant Genetic Resources)
Poster Session
Poster Session
Poster Session
Nitrogen Management Tools (Posters)
(S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition; S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis )
(S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition; S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis )
Poster Session
Poster Session
Nutrient Availability and Environmental Risk from Land Application (Posters)
(S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis; S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition )
(S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis; S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition )
Poster Session
Soil Mineralogy: Reactions and Transformations: II (includes Graduate Student Competition) (Posters)
(S09 Soil Mineralogy)
(S09 Soil Mineralogy)
Poster Session
Land Use and Soil and Water Quality (includes Graduate Student Competition) (Posters)
(S11 Soils & Environmental Quality)
(S11 Soils & Environmental Quality)
4:15 PM-5:00 PM
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
4:30 PM-6:00 PM
4:45 PM-5:45 PM
5:00 PM-5:30 PM
5:00 PM-7:00 PM
5:15 PM-6:30 PM
5:30 PM-7:00 PM
Oral Session
American Society of Agronomy Reception and Awards Program
(Z01 SSSA-ASA-CSSA Special Programs--Invited Abstracts Only)
(Z01 SSSA-ASA-CSSA Special Programs--Invited Abstracts Only)
5:30 PM-7:30 PM
5:30 PM-8:00 PM
5:30 PM-8:30 PM
5:45 PM-7:00 PM
5:45 PM-7:30 PM
5:45 PM-8:45 PM
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
6:00 PM-7:30 PM
Virginia Tech/Delaware Social--Geosciences, Crop & Soil Environmental Sciences
(Events: Food Functions/Socials)
(Events: Food Functions/Socials)
6:00 PM-8:00 PM
6:00 PM-9:00 PM
6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Associations of Women Soil Scientists and Women Geoscientists Social
(Events: Food Functions/Socials)
(Events: Food Functions/Socials)
7:00 PM-8:00 PM
7:00 PM-8:30 PM
7:00 PM-9:00 PM
S205.1 Council on History, Philosophy and Sociology of Soil Science Business Meeting
(Events: Committee Meetings)
(Events: Committee Meetings)
Washington State University/University of Idaho/Oregon State University Bash
(Events: Food Functions/Socials)
(Events: Food Functions/Socials)