For aggregate stability measurement a constant drip rate is supplied to sieves containing air-dry 0.25 – 2 mm aggregates. Percent stable aggregates remaining on the sieve after 5 minutes are determined. For soil infiltrability measurement, the Infiltrometer is placed onto a single 241-mm (9 1/2") inner diameter infiltration ring inserted into field soil. Water supplied and water running off are measured over time. For both measurements, the dripper wets the soil in a more natural manner than is the case for the respective current standard methods used to measure these properties. Soil slaking from instantaneous ponding/saturation is eliminated. Main advantages with respect to field measurement and demonstration use of the equipment are low cost, high portability, the possibility of rapid measurements by a single person, easy calibration for a wide range of simulated rainfall rates, and conservative water use. We will demonstrate the use of this equipment for both measurements.