See more from this Session: General Agricultural Research Station Management: I/Div. A07 Business Meeting
Advances in agricultural production and land use practices have negatively influenced habitats for northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) and grassland bird species.� Over the past 50 years the MU Bradford Research and Extension Center (BREC) has focused its mission on agronomic research and Extension.� Recently, the BREC has developed programs that address the educational needs of the whole agricultural community. These include integrating wildlife habitat management practices which complement the agronomic objectives of the center.� Most private farms contain areas that can be managed for wildlife species dependent on early successional plant communities.� Using the �Missouri Bobwhite Quail Habitat Appraisal Guide�, MP 902, habitat components lacking for bobwhites were identified and management practices were successfully implemented without reducing farm profits.� Examples include edge feathering, native prairie restoration and warm season grass management, covey headquarters establishment, field border management, and tall fescue pasture renovation.� In addition, landowners on adjacent properties implemented practices that benefitted bobwhites. Habitat components that were addressed included nesting, brood-rearing and escape cover.� Based on habitat improvements made and data collected from fall call counts we observed an increase in covey numbers from two to 25 since the project was initiated in 2006.� We report final results from this project which was funded by a USDA Conservation Innovation Grant.� In addition, we showcase how our educational approach serves as a model for integrating wildlife considerations with ongoing agricultural objectives at other Agricultural Experiment Stations across the United States.
See more from this Session: General Agricultural Research Station Management: I/Div. A07 Business Meeting