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Author Index
Author Index: A
A. Pereira, G.
In Vitro
Propagation of
Jatropha Curcas
L. Apical Buds.
Abadie, T.
A Dynamic Gene Network Model to Predict Floral Transition Time in Maize.
Abaidoo, R.
Growth and Yield of Determinate and Indeterminate Soybeans in Mozambique.
Abaye, A. O.
Teaching a World Crops Course by Integration of Food Preparation/Cooking with Classroom Lectures: Field to Fork.
Abbas, F.
Carbon Dioxide Emission from an Organically Amended Tropical Soil Under Various Tillage Practices.
Abbas, H.
Effects of N and S Fertilizers On Soybean Seed Composition Under Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Environments in the Early Soybean Production System.
Abdala, D. B.
Use of Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy (EXAFS) to Differentiate the Continuum Between Phosphate Sorption Mechanisms On Goethite.
Abdalla, O.
Characterization of Stem Rust Resistance in ICARDA/CWANA Elite Wheat Germplasm Using Linked Molecular Markers.
Enhanced Wheat Production in Morocco through Breeding Hessian Fly Resistance.
Potential Sources of Resistance to Stripe Rust (
Puccinia striiformis fsp. titici
Abdelgadir, A.
Effect of Different Levels of a Compound Fertilizer On Plant Uptake and Yield of Wheat.
Abendroth, L.
Corn Response to Stand Reduction at Different Vegetative Growth Stages.
Remaking the Long-Standing Publication �How a Corn Plant Develops� to �Corn Growth and Development�.
Development of Regional Corn Planting Date Recommendations for Iowa.
Aberle, E.
A Species Comparison of Summer Switchgrass to Selected Germplasm of Prairie Cordgrass.
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP ) Grass Land for Sustainable Biomass Feedstock Production-Regional Biomass Feedstock Partnership.
Abi-Ghanem, R.
Nitrogen Fixation by U.S. and Middle Eastern Chickpeas with Commercial or Wild Middle Eastern Inoculum.
Abit, S.
Fate and Transport of Septic System Effluent in the Vadose Zone.
Abraham, J.
Quantitative Hydrogeological Framework Interpretations Using Helicopter Electromagnetic and Ground Capacitive-Coupled Resistivity Surveys.
Abrahams, M.
Improbable Research.
Abreu, I.
Geobotanical Characterization of a River Beach for Forensic Purposes.
Abreu, S.
Soil Physical Properties, Organic Carbon, and Total Nitrogen Affected by Tillage and Crop Rotation in Oklahoma.
Aceto, H.
Salmonella and E. Coli O157:H7 Transport and Retention in Intact and Disturbed Soil Columns.
Acevedo, M.
Nitrogen Concentration of Growth Medium Over the Morphological Development, Hardening and Nitrogen Evolution in Pinus Caribea Seedling Produced in Nursery.
Acosta-Martinez, V.
Soil Chemical and Biochemical Surveys of Sweet Cherry Agroecosystems In the Pacific Northwest.
Dryland Cropping Systems Influence Microbial Communities in a Sandy Soil in a Semiarid Region.
Cotton Yield and Soil Properties Are Affected by the Harvest of a Winter Cover Crop for Bioenergy Production.
Nutrient Source and Tillage Impact On Corn Grain Yield and Soil Properties.
Wind Erosion of Organic Soils: A Field Wind Tunnel Study.
Acuna, G. M.
Rapid in Vitro Micro-Propagation of Clean Sugarcane Seed.
Adachi, M.
Application Effects of Cotton Mulch Seeding Method On Nutrients Dynamics in Rice Paddy Field.
Adam, N.
Solid State Speciation of Phosphate in Binary and Ternary Mineral Mixtures Using P K-XAFS.
Organic Acid Promoted Dissolution of Phosphate in Mineral Mixtures: Implications for Phosphorus Bioavailability and Soil Fertility.
Adamchuk, V.
Integration of An Active Sensor Algorithm with Soil-Based Management Zones for Nitrogen Management in Corn.
Adamchuk, V.
Evaluation of Algorithm Thresholds for Crop Canopy Sensor-Based in-Season Nitrogen Application.
Adams, M. B.
Effects of Gas Well Effluent On Forest Soil Chemical Properties.
Adeli, A.
Nutrient and Bacterial Levels in Common Contiguous Soils with and without Poultry Litter Fertilization.
Broiler Litter Type and Placement on Corn Grain Yield, N Utilization and Recovery and Soil Residual NO3-N.
Adesemoye, A. O.
Corn Management Systems for Improved Synchrony of Soil N Supply.
Adesogan, A. T.
The Use of Cowpea as Forage for Cow-Calf Production in Florida.
Adewunmi, J. A.
The Soil Science Society's K12 Committee's Foray Into Popular Media.
Fate of Certain Alkylphenol Ethoxylates in Soils Amended with Alkaline-Stabilized Biosolids.
Adhikari, D.
Use of Surface Renewal Method for ET Estimation Under Saline Conditions.
Adhikari, P.
Spatial Variability of Soil Properties In An Arid Ecosystem Irrigated with Treated Municipal and Industrial Wastewater.
Adhikari, T.
Evaluating Hard Red and White Spring Wheat Genotypes for Tolerance to Pre-Harvest Sprouting.
Adhikari, T.
Genetics and QTL Mapping of Septoria Tritici Blotch Resistance in Spring Wheat.
Adler, P. R.
Life Cycle Assessment of Cellulosic and Advanced Biofuel Crops.
Evaluation of Switchgrass for Improved Biomass Yield On Marginal Land.
Affeldt, R.
Establishment and Winter Survival of Carrot Grown for Seed in Central Oregon.
Aga, D.
Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in Agricultural Runoff and Its Influence On Exports of Estrogens and Trace Elements.
Evaluating Phytotoxic Effects of Chlortetracycline Following Uptake by Pinto Bean and Corn Plants.
Agrawal, S.
Genetic Diversity for β-ODAP Content in Grasspea.
Broadening the Genetic Base of Lentil in South Asia.
Agu, R.
Selecting the Best Wheat for Biorefining.
Agudelo-Arbelaez, S.
Phytoremediation Database Project.
Aguirrezabal, L.
The Critical Period for the Effect of Intercepted Solar Radiation On Sunflower Oil Does Not Depend On Grain Filling Duration.
Agyin-Birikorang, S.
Environmentally Sustainable Bioenergy Biomass Production: Interactive Effects of Growth Stimulating Hormones and Nitrogen Fertilization.
Nitrate Leaching Occurring in Tifton-85 Hay Field Receiving Nitrogen Fertilization.
Ahmed, A.
Control of Glyphosate Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Soybean.
Ahmed, M.
ENSO Cycle Effects on Rainfed Wheat of Pakistan.
Ahmed, W.
Radiation Use Efficiency, Forage Yield and Quality of Sorghum-Legume Intercropping Systems in the Southern High Plains.
Deficit Irrigation Management of Winter Canola in the Southern High Plains.
Ahmedna, M.
Biochar Effects On Nitrogen Fertilizer in a Loamy Sand of the Southeastern United States.
Ahnert, D.
Growth and Physiological Parameters of Cacao Influenced by Soil Moisture, and Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density.
Ahuja, L.
Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties in Space and Time: Some Field Data Analysis and Modeling Concepts.
Ahuja, L.
Adapting CROPGRO for Simulating Canola Growth with Both RZWQM2 and DSSAT.
Drought and Cropping Intensity Impact On Soil Organic Carbon and Total N Across A Catena Sequence.
Use of a System Model for Irrigation Scheduling and Crop Water Stress Simulation in a Corn Field.
Climate Change Impacts On Dryland Cropping Systems in the Central Great Plains, USA.
Aide, M.
Assessment of a Large Subsurface Controlled Drainage and Irrigation System: I. Design, Soil Properties, and Attendant Crop Performance.
Assessment of a Large Subsurface Controlled Drainage and Irrigation System: II. Water Chemistry of the Tile Effluent and Its Potential Impact On Surface Water Resources.
Assessment of a Large Subsurface Controlled Drainage and Irrigation System: III. Micronutrient Concentrations in Tile-Drain Effluents.
Aiken, G.
Chemical Suppression of Seedhead Emergence in Endophyte-Infested Tall Fescue for Improving Steer Weight Gain and Physiology.
Aiken, R.
Canopy Architecture and Transpiration Efficiency In Sorghum.
Planting Geometry Effects On Sorghum Productivity in Water Limiting Conditions.
Planting Dates and Methods for Spring Canola Establishment, Flowering and Yield in the U.S. Central High Plains.
Sorghum Transpiration Efficiency.
Aiken, R. M.
Temperature Dependence of Feedyard Ammonia Emissions: The Arrhenius Equation.
Aina, O.
In Vitro
Induction of Autotetraploids In Wild Peanut (
Arachis paraguariensis
Ainuddin, I.
Chromium and Lead Concentrations in Soils and Plants at the Chumash Creek Dump, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Ajala, S.
Relationships Among Agronomic Traits of Tropical Early Maturing Maize Cultivars Under Low-N and High-N Environments.
Ajiboye, B.
Improving the Efficiency of P Fertilizers in Dryland Cropping Systems in Mediterranean Climates.
Ajwa, H.
Evaluation of Totally Impermeable Film for Fumigant Emissions Reduction.
Akbar, N.
Performance of Spring Maize Under Integrated Nitrogen Management.
Akhunov, E.
Assessment of Genetic Variation In Spring and Winter Wheat Populations Using Illumina High-Throughput SNP Genotyping Assay.
Fine Mapping a Major QTL for Pre-Harvest Sprouting (PHS) Resistance by Comparative Analysis in White Wheat.
Akinremi, O.
Modeling Soil Moisture From Real Time Weather Data.
Akinwale, R.
Relationships Among Agronomic Traits of Tropical Early Maturing Maize Cultivars Under Low-N and High-N Environments.
Akram, M.
Citrus Response to Zinc and Boron Fertilization.
Al Kaabi, A. S.
Abu Dhabi Police Forensic Geosciences Project.
Al Naimi, K. S.
Abu Dhabi Police Forensic Geosciences Project.
Al-Habsi, K.
Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources in Oman.
Al-Hammouri, A.
Rhizoctonia Solani and Meloidogyne Incognita Interaction On Chile Pepper (Capsicum annuum).
Al-Kufaishi, S.
A Soil-Water Repellency Model That Integrates Easily Measurable Soil Physical Parameters.
Al-Rohily, K.
Effect of Different Levels of a Compound Fertilizer On Plant Uptake and Yield of Wheat.
Al-Saady, N.
Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources in Oman.
Al-Subhi, A.
Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources in Oman.
Alava, E.
Annual Ryegrass Germination Response to Different Temperature Regimes.
Alba, P.
Efflux From a Subtropical Oxisol Under Long-Term Tillage Systems.
Albalasmeh, A.
Role of Wetting and Drying in Soil Aggregate Formation.
Albano, J.
Cover Crops as Carbon Sources for Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation In a Vegetable Production System.
Albers, M.
Forest Harvest Effects On Soil Nutrient Concentrations and Nitrogen Pools in Ozark Highland Soils.
Albertsen, M.
Molecular Approaches to Low-Temperature-Stress Tolerance In Maize�.
Albrecht, S.
Tillage Influence On Soil Organic Carbon and Silica Relations.
Alcantara, V.
SNP Variation in Donor Germplasm Used in National Rice Breeding Programs.
Aldabaa, A.
Nutrient Management and Seasonal Dynamics in Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) Production.
Aldahadha, A.
Interactive Effects of Fungal Root Diseases and Drought On Water Use Effeciency of Wheat.
Alderman, P.
Adapting the CROPGRO Model to Predict Growth of Tropical Forage Grasses.
Alejo-Lopez, S. J.
Discoloration of An Effluent From Traditional Dyeing Process : Effect of Inoculum Amount.
Alexander, A.
Reduced Rates of Dithiopyr Plus Isoxaben for Broadleaf Weed and Crabgrass Control in Bareground and Established Turf.
Alexander, M.
Biofuel Research Initiatives and Extension: Synergizing Engagement with Stakeholders.
Ali, A.
Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources in Oman.
Ali, M. L.
Yes We Can! Improving Rice Yield with Diverse Genetic Resources.
Ali, M.
The Effect of Different Nutrient Sources On Biomass and Selected Nutritional Quality of Switchgrass for Animal Feed.
Alidani, M.
Shoot Biomass Productivity Correlated with Rhizobacteria Community Composition in Wheat.
Identification and Characterization of Auxin Producing Rhizobacteria Associated with Wheat Biomass.
Alison, G.
Effect of Farming Systems Trial Management Practices On Soil Organic Carbon.
Alison, W.
Planting Management Impact On Sweet Sorghum as a Biofuel Crop.
Alkathiri, S. A.
Abu Dhabi Police Forensic Geosciences Project.
Allaire, S.
Micro-Scale Variability of Soil Porosity as Described by CT Scanning, and Relationship with Soil Gas Diffusion.
Multiscale Spatial Variability of Potato Yield Influenced by Soil Properties.
Allaire, S. E.
Lateral Flow Connecting Canadian Agricultural Lands to Surface Water Resources.
Allan, D.
Aerially Seeding Winter Rye Into Standing Corn in Minnesota: Successes and Failures.
Allan, R.
The Last One Standing: O.A Vogel's Contribution to Feeding the World.
Allard, G.
Time of Cutting and Genetic Selection Affect Non Structural Carbohydrates and Some Attributes of Nutritive Value in Alfalfa.
Non Structural Carbohydrate Concentrations During Wilting of PM- and AM-Cut Alfalfa.
Allard, V.
Deciphering Phenotypic Plasticity for Grain Yield and Protein Concentration in Wheat Using a Modeling Approach.
Allen, A.
Transport of Arsenic and Phosphorus in Ditch Flow From Litter-Amended Soils and Barn Areas.
Trace Element Losses in Runoff Due to Subsurface - Applied Poultry Litter On a Coastal Plain Soil.
Microbial Transport In Surface Runoff From Manure-Amended Soils.
Effects of Subsurface Applying Poultry Litter in Pasture and No-till Systems.
Allen, B.
Diversifying Spring Wheat Production Systems Influences Weed Community.
Water Productivity of Three Oilseeds in Rotation with Durum.
Allen, F.
Establishment and Persistence of Legumes in Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) Biomass and Forage/Biomass Production Systems.
Effects of Forced and Natural Leaflet Orientation On Transpiration Rates and Other Physiological Traits in Soybeans.
Allen, N.
Low-Altitude Aircraft Imagery for Assessment of Winter Cover-Crop Biomass and Nitrogen Content.
Alleoni, L.
Influence of Barium On the Availability of Sulfur in Soil and Uptake by Plants.
Alley, M. M.
Mine Soil Properties, Reconstruction Protocols and Row-Crop Productivity of Reclaimed Mineral Sands Mines In Virginia.
Alley, M.
Effects of Tillage On Soft Red Winter Wheat Yield Components.
In Vitro Evaluation of Coatings to Control Ammonia Volatilization From Surfaced Applied Urea.
A Laboratory System to Measure Ammonia Volatilization From Soil and Fertilizer.
Labile Fractions of Soil Organic Matter as Indices of Soil Change Associated with Management Practices.
Allison, B.
A Geospatial Analysis of the Impact of Landuse On Potential Loadings of Nonpoint Source Pollutants to Surface Waters.
A Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Agricultural Best Management Practices.
A Visual Assessment of Streambank Stability and Riparian Vegetation: A Watershed Class Project.
Almas, L. K.
Genotypic Differences In Maize Profitability �Hybrid Vs Local Cultivars� Applied with Variable Rates of Different Nitrogenous Fertilizer Sources.
Almeida, A. A. F.
Growth and Physiological Parameters of Cacao Influenced by Soil Moisture, and Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density.
Almeida, C. C.
Mineralogy and Arsenic Adsorption of Major Soil Classes in Minas Gerais State-Brazil.
Almeida, R. G. O. D.
Estimating Risk of Phosphorus Loss in Southern Brazilian Soils.
Alsina, M. M.
Seasonal Variability of Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Two Nitrogen Sources In a California Almond Orchard.
Alston, D.
Taking a Whole Farm Approach to Managing Onion Thrips and Iris Yellow Spot Virus.
Alt, D.
Factors Controlling Microbial Community Structure in An Agroecosystem.
Alva, A.
Evidence of Gibbs Free Energy of Drought Accelerating Nitrogen Loss Via Ammonia Volatilization From Fertilized Soils.
Effect of Biochars Made From Different Materials On Wastewater N and P Adsorption.
How Can We Reduce Lignin Contents in Bioenergy Crop Production?.
Deficit Irrigation for Potatoes in the Pacific Northwest.
Alva, A.
Impacts of Soil and Temperature On Decomposition of Plant Residues.
Alvarez, C.
Transit Wet Soils Does Not Always Cause Harmful Effects On Topsoil Porosity.
Alvarez-Villafana, V. J.
Discoloration of An Effluent From Traditional Dyeing Process : Effect of Inoculum Amount.
Alves, A.
Current Status and Utilization of the Wild Cassava Germplasm at Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits.
Alves, E. B.
The Use of Cowpea as Forage for Cow-Calf Production in Florida.
Alwala, S.
Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci Underlying Shrunken Kernel Phenotype in Maize Using Four Interconnected Advanced Backcross Populations Derived From Two Donor Parents.
Alyokhin, A.
Sources of Aphid Resistance Mechanisms From the Tuber-Bearing
Amacher, M.
Assessing Subtropical Subsoil Cation Fertility Under Forage Bermudagrass.
Amado, T.
Efflux From a Subtropical Oxisol Under Long-Term Tillage Systems.
Net Ecosystem CO
Exchange in a Subtropical Oxisol Under Long-Term Tillage Systems.
Amador, J.
Effect of Earthworms On Methane Flux In Temperate Pastures.
Amakor, X.
Improving Estimates of Soil Salinity From Saturated Paste Extracts and Electromagnetic Induction Sensing.
Amano, T.
Prediction and Control of Salt Accumulation in the Upper Root Zone Under Sub-Surface Drip Irrigation.
Amaresh, Y. S.
Integrated Disease Management for Quality and Sustainability of Hot Pepper (
Capsicum annuum
Amelung, W.
Soil Organic Carbon Pools and Their Spatial Patterns � Rapid Assessment Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy.
Effects On Soil Properties and Biomass by Biochar From Slow Pyrolysis, Fast Pyrolysis and Gasification.
Amer, A. M.
Prediction of Hydraulic Conductivity and Sorptivity in Capillary and Non Capillary Pores of Soils.
Amin, M. G. M.
Environmental Fate of Manure-Borne Estrogens and Pathogens Applied to Agricultural Land: Effect of Slurry Separation.
Amini Dehaghi, M.
Applying COVER Crops to REDUCE Constraint of Egyptian Broomrape IN Infested Fields. II.
Applying COVER Crops to REDUCE Constraint of Egyptian Broomrape IN Infested Fields.
Ammar, K.
Sources of Leaf Rust Resistance In Durum Wheat.
Ammons, J.
Pre- and Post- SMCRA Minesoil Acidity and Basicity in the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area.
Amonette, J.
Sorption Selectivity of Dissolved Organic Compounds to Different Soils.
Amoozegar, A.
Developing Methodology to Characterize Soil Limited Evaporation.
Extrapolating Climate-Change Predictions of Hydrology Across Regions Using Soil and Landscape Data.
Fate and Transport of Septic System Effluent in the Vadose Zone.
Amoozegar, A.
Comparison of Field and Lab Ksat Measurements and the Relation to Onsite Wastewater System Design.
Amos, B.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Terraced Field and along Concentrated Water Flow Paths.
Ampim, P. A. Y.
Surface Runoff Water Quality From Multiple Best Management Practices in North Texas.
Amrhein, C.
Mineral Formation in the Salton Sea.
Amrhein, C.
Evaluation of Soil Salinity Leaching Requirement Guidelines.
Oxidation of W-Pellets and Tungstate Adsorption by Soils.
Amri, A.
Genetic Diversity for β-ODAP Content in Grasspea.
Amri, A.
Enhanced Wheat Production in Morocco through Breeding Hessian Fly Resistance.
Amundsen, K.
Seed Germination of Danthonia Spicata a Native Low Maintenance Turf Option.
Amundsen, K. L.
Diploid Progenitors of
L., Why Are They Important?.
Anand, M.
Evaluation of Indigenous Pseudomonas Fluorescens Isolates for Plant Growth Promotion and Biocontrol Efficacy.
Anapalli, S.
Adapting CROPGRO for Simulating Canola Growth with Both RZWQM2 and DSSAT.
Use of a System Model for Irrigation Scheduling and Crop Water Stress Simulation in a Corn Field.
Climate Change Impacts On Dryland Cropping Systems in the Central Great Plains, USA.
Andales, A.
Modeling and Evaluation of Maize Under Full and Limited Irrigation.
Andam, R. X.
SNP Variation in Donor Germplasm Used in National Rice Breeding Programs.
Anderson, A.
Estimation of Vehicle Impact Damage Thru Vehicle Tracking Systems and Impact Models.
Emerging Technologies in Military Land Management.
Anderson, A.
Modeling Long-Term Cumulative Soil Disturbance and Individual Training Event Impacts at Fort Riley, Kansas.
Investigation of Correlation Between Soil Strength and Soil Moisture and the Influence On Optimization of Military Land Use.
Agronomic Principles in Support of Military Land Sustainment.
Anderson, C.
Climatalogical Impacts of Biofuel Production.
Anderson, J.
Assessment of Genetic Variation In Spring and Winter Wheat Populations Using Illumina High-Throughput SNP Genotyping Assay.
Anderson, J.
Drought Tolerance and Leaf Firing Resistance of Twenty Turf Bermudagrasses.
Evapotranspiration Rates of Riviera and U-3 Bermudagrasses Under Non-Limiting Soil Moisture Conditions.
Plant Diversity Promotes Soil Enzyme Activities in Prairie Ecosystems.
Anderson, J.
Bahiagrass Susceptibility to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus.
Fructan Metabolism in Stems of Wheat During Grain Development.
Anderson, J.
Planting Method Affects the Establishment Quality of Sports Turf.
Anderson, K.
Prairies and Wetlands of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: Their Native American Uses and Management.
Anderson, K.
Development and Application of a Salinity Risk Index for the Red River Valley of the North (MLRA 56).
Anderson, M.
Mineral Formation in the Salton Sea.
Anderson, M.
Characterization of Antifungal Bacteria in Switchgrass Seed.
The Effect of Nitrogen On Rhizobacteria Associated with Wheat Shoot Productivity.
Shoot Biomass Productivity Correlated with Rhizobacteria Community Composition in Wheat.
Identification and Characterization of Auxin Producing Rhizobacteria Associated with Wheat Biomass.
Anderson, O.
GrainGenes: A Centralized Kernel Adding Information Fiber for Research.
BAC-by-BAC Sequencing with ABI Solid and Roche 454 In Complex Genomes.
Anderson, R.
Organic Zero-till in the Dryland U.S. Plains Region: Opportunities and Obstacles.
Anderson, S.
Rock Weathering and Geometrical Pore Parameters: A 3-D Computed Tomography Evaluation.
Agroforestry and Ecosystem Services.
Agroforestry and Grass Buffer Effects On Soil Quality Parameters for Grazed Pasture and Row Crop Systems.
Apex Model Simulation of Runoff and Sediment Losses From Agroforestry Buffers for Watersheds Under Pasture Management.
Apex Model Simulation for Row Crop Watersheds with Agroforestry and Grass Buffers.
Anderson, W.
The Soil Science Society's K12 Committee's Foray Into Popular Media.
Anderson, W.
Sustainability of Perennial Grass Yields as Bioenergy Feedstock for the Southeast.
Phenotype Traits of Bermudagrass Ecotypes From Pastures Stocked at Different Intensities During a 40-Year Period.
Harvest Date Effects on Biomass Yield and Quality of New Energycane (Saccharum hybrids) Genotypes In the Southeastern USA.
Anderson, W.
Using Course Management Software to Improve Student-Faculty Communication.
Andrade-Sanchez, P.
Field-Based High-Throughput Phenotyping Using Radiometric Observations.
High-Throughput Phenotyping the Physiological Responses of Cotton to a Hot, Arid Environment.
Andrae, J.
How to Manage Toxic Tall Fescue.
Andraski, T.
Differential Effects of Biomass Removal and Soil Test K (STK) Level On Over-Winter Changes in STK On Five Wisconsin Soils.
Variable Fertilizer Source, Placement, and Rate Applicator for Field Plot Research.
Andres, R.
The Genetic Structure of US Upland Cotton Germplasm.
Andrews, A.
Iowa Learning Farm Mobile Conservation Station: Building a Culture of Conservation.
Andrews, C.
Influence of Warm-Season Cover Crops On No-till Winter Wheat Production.
Andrews, D.
The Carbon Story at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory.
Andrews, N.
Monitoring Crop Nitrogen Status in Organic Vegetable Cropping Systems.
Estimating Cover Crop Nitrogen Contributions and Management Costs with a New Online Calculator.
Andrews, S.
Review of Soil Organic Matter Fractions Under Different Cropping Systems in Temperate Climates: A Meta-Analysis.
Andrews, S.
Phytoremediation Database Project.
Andrews, S.
Turfgrass Sod Harvesting and Land Use Sustainability.
Andry, H.
Impact of Biochar Amendment on the Hydraulic and Nutrient Retention Properties of a Sandy Soil.
Effects of Carboxymethylcelluloses On Some Hydraulic Properties of Sandy Soil.
An�, J. M.
Quantification of Soybean-Associated Rhizobia with Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction.
Evaluation of Soybean Yield Response to Existing Rhizobia Populations and the Use of Inoculant Products.
Anex, R.
Water Foot Print of Various Biofuel Crops.
Climatalogical Impacts of Biofuel Production.
Angadi, S.
Wheat Residue Yield and Composition for Estimation of Biofuel Feedstock Potential.
Radiation Use Efficiency, Forage Yield and Quality of Sorghum-Legume Intercropping Systems in the Southern High Plains.
Deficit Irrigation Management of Winter Canola in the Southern High Plains.
New Life for Canola and Other Oilseeds On the Southern Great Plains.
Canola Adaptation to Irrigated Production In New Mexico.
Spatial Arrangement, Population Density and Legume Species Effect On Yield of Forage Sorghum- Legume Intercropping.
Fermentation of Cowpea Alone or in Mixture with Corn or Forage Sorghum for Silage.
Warm-Season Annual Legumes for Forage Production in Southern High Plains.
Fertilization Levels On Yield, Quality, Nutrient Uptake and Use Efficiency of Pigeon Pea [Cajanus Cajana (L.)] Varieties in Alfisols of Karnataka, India.
Angers, D.
Assessing the Relative Potential of Organic Amendments to Emit Soil N2O : Towards a Standard Method.
Phosphorus Dynamics Under Different Management Practices.
Trace Metal Content Following the Tillage of An Old Grassland Soil Fertilized with Pig Manure.
Angstadt, W.
The Role of Government Programs in Adoption of Nitrogen Conservation Technologies.
Anguelov, G.
Soil-Solution N Under Conservation Tillage: A Tension Lysimeter (ceramic cup) Study On Conventional and Sod-Based Crop Rotations.
Improving Soil Physical Fertility and Ecosystem Services by Sod-Based Rotation and Conservation Technology.
Enhanced Crop, Soil, Economic, and Environmental Benefits with Sod Based Rotations.
Anjum, M.
Co-Inoculation Potential of Serratia Spp and Mesorhizobium Ciceri for Improving Nodulation and Yield of Chickpea.
Substrate Dependent Microbial Biosynthesis of Auxins and Their Effect On Growth and Yield of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.).
Anjum, S. A.
Interactive Effect of Applied GB and K in Improving Drought Tolerance Potential in Wheat.
Ankegowda, S.
Fertilization Levels On Yield, Quality, Nutrient Uptake and Use Efficiency of Pigeon Pea [Cajanus Cajana (L.)] Varieties in Alfisols of Karnataka, India.
Ankumah, R.
Assessing the Effects of Land Use On Microbial Diversity and Phylogeny Across a Mixed Culture Agroecosystem.
Effect of Transgenic Cotton Plants Transformed with Antimicrobial Synthetic Peptide D4E1 On Cotton Seedling Disease, Soil Microbial Diversity.
Evaluation of the Influence of pH On Sorption of Ibuprofen and Naproxen in Simulated Domestic Waste Water.
Anothai, J.
Evaluation of the CSM-CERES-Maize Model to Simulate the Effects of Different Irrigation Strategies On Maize Growth and Development, Evapotranspiration and Soil Water Content.
Using Crop Simulation Models as a Tool for Abiotic Stress Characterization of Cotton.
Antonov, D.
Contaminant Transport Modeling for a Soil with Variable Charge Properties Under Different pH Conditions Using HP1.
Appel, C.
Chromium and Lead Concentrations in Soils and Plants at the Chumash Creek Dump, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Comparison of Methods to Determine Soil Cation Exchange Capacity.
Apse, M.
Nitrogen, Water Use Efficiency and Drought Tolerance In Canola.
Araneda, L.
Comparative Genome Relationship Between Agrostis Stolonifera and Brachypodium Distachyon.
Arango, M.
Strategies to Reduce N
Ο Emission From No-till Systems: Measurement and Modeling.
Aranha Ribeiro, S. R.
Predictive Digital Soil Mapping: A Case Study in the Tibagi Watershed, Central-Eastern Region of Paran�, Brazil.
Arao, T.
Distribution and Speciation of Arsenic and Iron around Iron Mottle and Rice Root in Paddy Soil.
Evaluation of Heavy Metals In Mangrove Soil of the Graciosa River In Bahia, Brazil.
Araujo, T.
Evaluation of Heavy Metals In Mangrove Soil of the Graciosa River In Bahia, Brazil.
Arceneaux, A.
Nitrogen Requirement for Optimal Yield and Quality of Sugarcane Grown On Alluvial Soils in Louisiana.
Archer, D.
Spatial Analysis of Biomass Supply: Economic and Environmental Impacts.
Economic Perspectives On Organic Grains: Past, Present, and Future.
Archibald, D.
Poster Title: The Contribution of Spectroscopic Measurements in Characterizing Variability in SOC and Scalability to Temporal Monitoring Regimes.
Effects of Crop Sequences and Fertilization Regimes on Soil Bulk Density Profiles In a Long-Term Experiment Under Conventional Tillage In Central Pennsylvania.
Archibeque, S.
Estimating Whole-Farm Greenhouse Gas and Energy Footprints.
Arcila, J.
Model to Estimate Available Water for Coffee Crop in Colombia.
Arellano, E.
Carbon Sequestration and Pine Plantations in Chile.
Arelli, P.
Genetically Diverse Sources of SCN Resistance in Soybeans.
Arevalo, C.
Land Use Change Effect On Ecosystem Carbon Balance: From Agriculture to Hybrid Poplar Plantation.
Land Use Change Effects On Soil Respiration: From Agriculture to Hybrid Poplar Plantation.
Arevalo, E.
Growth and Physiological Parameters of Cacao Influenced by Soil Moisture, and Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density.
Arguissain, G.
Anticipated Senescence as a Result of High Source Sink Ratio in Rice.
Arias, N.
Soybean Rizobia Inoculation Has a Positive Contribution to Argentine Grain Production.
Arif, M. S.
Co-Inoculation Potential of Serratia Spp and Mesorhizobium Ciceri for Improving Nodulation and Yield of Chickpea.
Ariyama, J.
Urea Hydrolysis in Pine Forest Floor: Effect of Water Potential.
Arkebauer, T.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Terraced Field and along Concentrated Water Flow Paths.
Arkebauer, T. J.
Effective Soil C Sequestration: Role of Protected Niches.
Corn and Velvetleaf (
Abutilon theophrasti
) Water Use Efficiency.
Soil C Sequestration From No-till to Conservation Plow-Tillage: Role of Protected Soil Niches.
Arkebauer, T. J.
Evaluation of Turfgrass Stress through Thermal Imaging and Visual and near-Infrared Digital Image Analyses.
Armstrong, J.
Control Methods for Herbicide Resistant Cheat and Italian Ryegrass in Winter Wheat.
Armstrong, J.
Evaluation of Switchgrass for Improved Biomass Yield On Marginal Land.
Armstrong, K.
A System to Evaluate Prime Farmland Reclamation Success Based on Spatial Soil Properties.
Long-Term Carbon Sequestration in Miscanthus Sinensis Grassland and Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) Plantation in Aso, Japan.
Armstrong, R.
FACEing South: The Australian Grains Free Air CO2 Enrichment (AGFACE) Experiment - Effects of Elevated CO2 On Wheat Production.
Arnall, D.
Evaluation of Sensor Based Nitrogen Application in Producers Fields.
Evaluating the Effect of Soil Acidity On Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Production.
Arnold, K.
Measuring Evapotranspiration in Urban Irrigated Lawns.
Arnould, E.
Improving Yields Sustainably in Western Kenya and Eastern Uganda: Co-Design of Conservation Agriculture.
Arriaga, F.
Management-Dependent Soil Property Variability of Southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain Plinthic Kandiudults.
Effect of Sorghum Biofuel Production Systems On Soil Characteristics in Souteastern U.S.
Cotton Yield and Soil Properties Are Affected by the Harvest of a Winter Cover Crop for Bioenergy Production.
Effect of Rainfall on Applied Gypsum and Its Relationship to the Calcium Demands of Developing Peanuts In the Pegging Zone.
Producing Sorghum Biomass Under Different Irrigation Tillage Systems for Cellulosic Bioenergy Production in Southeastern U.S.
Corn Stover for Bioenergy: Effect of N Fertilization, Winter Cover Crop and Stover Harvest On Vertical Biomass Distribution and Composition.
Arriaga, F. J.
Quantifying Macro- and Micro-Pores to Assess the Influence of Forage Grass On Coastal Plains Soils through the Use of Computed Tomography (CT).
Arritt, R.
Climatalogical Impacts of Biofuel Production.
Arroues, K.
Chemical Characteristics of Serpentinitic Soils of Clear Creek Management Area, California.
Arroyo-Figueroa, G.
Carmin Production From Dactylopius Coccus Costa to Elaborate Cosmetics.
Arroyo-Figueroa, G.
Discoloration of An Effluent From Traditional Dyeing Process : Effect of Inoculum Amount.
Arshad, M.
Co-Inoculation Potential of Serratia Spp and Mesorhizobium Ciceri for Improving Nodulation and Yield of Chickpea.
Substrate Dependent Microbial Biosynthesis of Auxins and Their Effect On Growth and Yield of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.).
Arshad, M.
Effects of Canopy-Deposition Interaction On H+ Supply to Soils In Pinus Banksiana and Populus Tremuloides Ecosystems In the Athabasca Oil Sands Region of Alberta, Canada.
Arthington, J. D.
The Use of Cowpea as Forage for Cow-Calf Production in Florida.
Arundale, R.
Does Nitrogen Fertilization Elicit a Productivity Boost In Mature Stands of Miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus) and Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) Under Midwestern USA Growing Conditions?.
Arvidsson, J.
Effect of Subsoil Compaction On Hydraulic Parameters.
Asada, K.
Estimation of Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties of Peat Soils From Evaporation Method and Multi-Step Outflow Method.
Asagi, N.
Growth Characters of Sweet Sorghum Cultivation for Bio-Ethanol Production in the Southern Region of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan.
Application Effects of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse On Growth, Yield and N Uptake in Komatsuna.
Asbjornsen, H.
Integration of Perennials in Rowcrop Agriculture for Enhancing Water Quality in Central Iowa.
Ascough, J.
Modeling and Evaluation of Maize Under Full and Limited Irrigation.
Ascough, J.
Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties in Space and Time: Some Field Data Analysis and Modeling Concepts.
Ashkan, S.
Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Drip Irrigated Tomatoes Subjected to Elevated Carbon Dioxide Levels.
Soil Respiration Rates for Tomatoes Subjected to Elevated Carbon Dioxide Levels.
Nitrous Oxide Emissions From California Silage Corn Cropping Systems: I. Sampling Techniques and Preliminary Results.
Ashok Kumar, H. P.
Evaluation of Production Potential of Fodder Crops- Chilli (Capsicum annum L.) Systems for Dry Land Alfisols of Karnataka, India.
Ashraf, M.
Substrate Dependent Microbial Biosynthesis of Auxins and Their Effect On Growth and Yield of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.).
Ashworth, A.
Calibrating ALMANAC for Simulating Switchgrass Production in Arkansas.
Ashworth, A.
Nitrogen Allocation In Low-External-Input Tropical Cover Crop Livestock Forage Systems.
Ashworth, D.
Soil Solarization in Combination with Reduced�Rate Fumigation for Pest Control.
Asiimwe, R. K.
Root and Shoot Biomass Variation In the Spring Bread Wheat Cultivar Pavon and Its' near -Isogenic Lines 1RS.1AL, 1RS.1BL &1RS.1DL In Organic and Synthetic Fertiliser Systems.
Askew, S.
An Intercollegiate Approach to Quantifying Sulfonylurea Herbicide Movement Onto Cool-Season Turfgrass.
Askew, W.
Soil Remediation with Biochar.
Askew, W.
Soil and Turf Variability Caused by Use Patterns on Collegiate and High School Football Fields.
Asoro, F.
Genomic Selection in the Presence of Strong Subpopulation Structure.
Atalay, A.
The Soil Science Society's K12 Committee's Foray Into Popular Media.
Ater-Kranov, A.
Developing a Regional Learning Community around Teaching Sustainable Food and Agricultural Systems at the University Level.
Atkinson, J. L.
Shade Tolerance of �Diamond' ZOYSIAGRASS Managed UNDER Putting GREEN CONDITIONS with the USE of Trinexapac-Ethyl.
Atlin, G.
Forming Double Cross Hybrids Using Two Line Synthetics.
Genotype x Location and Genotype x Country Interaction for Maize Hybrid Yield in the Central American Lowland Tropics: Implications for Breeding and Testing Programs.
Genomic Selection Breeding Plans for Maize Hybrid Development That Use the Haplotype as the Selection Unit.
Atsushi, M.
Two-Dimensional Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of Soil Water Content in Maize Field Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography.
Attanandana, T.
Determining Plant-Available Potassium in Representative Maize Soils of Thailand.
Attenborough, K.
Non-Invasive Acoustic-Seismic Sensing of Soils.
Aufdenkampe, A.
Case Study: The Role of Pedology In Christina River Basin CZO.
Auld, D.
Challenges in Reviving Castor a Biofuel and Industrial Feedstock in Texas.
Cuticular Wax Load On Leaves of Castor (Ricinus communis L.) Under Drought Stress.
New Life for Canola and Other Oilseeds On the Southern Great Plains.
Austin, R.
Improved Soil Moisture Products From the North Carolina Environment and Climate Observing Network.
Aveldaño, M. I.
Soybean Plants Affected by Phosphorus and Water Deficiency.
Averett, D.
Speciation of Selenium and Other Heavy Metals Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Coal Fly Ash at the Kingston Fossil Plant Site.
Avery, M.
Development of TaqMan PCR Zygosity Assay to Detect the Maize bm3 Mutant.
Avizinis, E.
Effect of Earthworms On Methane Flux In Temperate Pastures.
Awad, Y. M.
Occurrence of Antibiotics in Water, Soil, and Sediment Neat at the Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) in Korea.
Awale, R.
Designing Biomass Cropping Systems for Sustainable Bioenergy Production.
Awika, J.
Fine Mapping the High Endosperm Digestibility Trait Using near-Isogenic Lines in Sorghum.
Awole, K.
Selecting the Best Wheat for Biorefining.
Ayala-Diaz, I.
Variations in Fatty Acid Composition and Oil Content in Camelina Germplasm.
Ayars, J.
Use of Surface Renewal Method for ET Estimation Under Saline Conditions.
Ayers, P. D.
Modeling Long-Term Cumulative Soil Disturbance and Individual Training Event Impacts at Fort Riley, Kansas.
Estimation of Vehicle Impact Damage Thru Vehicle Tracking Systems and Impact Models.
Azah, E.
Concentrations of Heavy Metals and PAHs in Ditch Cleaning Samples Collected Across Florida.
Azarenko, A.
Soil Chemical and Biochemical Surveys of Sweet Cherry Agroecosystems In the Pacific Northwest.