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A04 Extension Education
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Extension Education In Crop Production, Soil Management and Conservation/ Div. A04 Business Meeting
Monday, November 1, 2010: 10:30 AM
Long Beach Convention Center, Room 308, Seaside Level
Karl Haro von Mogel1, William Tracy2 and Shawn Kaeppler1, (1)Department of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
(2)University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

We are producing a series of videos on controlled pollination methods in plants, and on plant breeders of various crops. The controlled pollination method videos are targeted to high school and college students with some background in plant biology. They will be useful for students learning about plant breeding methods, and may be of interest to backyard and commercial hybridizers of various crops. The plant breeder videos are intended for a general audience, and are intended to inform the public about plant breeding and to interest and encourage people to consider a career in plant breeding. When completed, these educational videos will be available through the Wisconsin Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics program website ( Several videos in each category are finished and available online, and we anticipate several more will be available by the date of the conference.
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A04 Extension Education
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Extension Education In Crop Production, Soil Management and Conservation/ Div. A04 Business Meeting