Poster Number 716
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A07 Agricultural Research Station Management
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Social Networking: Facebook and Others
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Long Beach Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC, Lower Level
Karl Haro von Mogel, Department of Agronomy, UW Madison, Madison, WI and Anastasia Bodnar, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Biofortified is a group science blog that focuses on plant genetics, genetic engineering, and related subjects in agriculture and plant biology. To our knowledge, no other organization is making such a dedicated effort to discuss these topics on the web. The blog format allows scientists to interact with consumers in unique ways: consumers have the opportunity to ask questions and share their concerns while scientists can share their research and experience. The discussion is two-way, giving all parties the opportunity to contribute to the discussion and start topics of their own. Blog contributors can present news about recent discoveries, address misconceptions, and add discussion of political and social issues that intersect with the science. All plant modifications have risks, including traditional breeding, so we hope to encourage public dialogue that puts technology in the proper context. Biofortified will both provide consumers with science based information about genetic engineering and provide scientists with a broader perspective of the impact of their work. If we can accomplish these goals, we will have moved discussion of genetic engineering forward in a positive manner.
Funding acknowledgement: Biofortified receives financial support from its founding editors, reader donations, and a grant from Ashoka Changemakers.
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A07 Agricultural Research Station Management
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Social Networking: Facebook and Others