331-6 Evaluation of an Automatic Drilling Soil Sampler Machine for Soil Compaction Studies.

Poster Number 1454

See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Physics
See more from this Session: Sensors and Instrumentation for Mapping and Monitoring Applications: II
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Long Beach Convention Center, Exhibit Hall ABC
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Carlos M. Vaz, EMBRAPA - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria, Sao Carlos, SP, BRAZIL, Ronaldo O Martins, Saci Soluções, Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Brazil and Ricardo Y Inamasu, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Sao Carlos, Brazil
Soil compaction has been commonly evaluated by soil penetrometer, which assess soil strength, but the strong dependence of soil penetration resistance with very dynamic soil parameters as soil water content limits its practical application. This work presents a new approach to assess soil compaction by using an automatic drilling soil auger, applied primarily for soil sampling. The innovation is the use of a pressure sensor that measures the pressure increase when sampling in more compacted soils. Results showed that the measured pressure was linearly correlated with the soil bulk density and the response was practically not influenced by soil water content degree. The observed behavior is very convenient and avoids the main problem of penetrometer for practical applications.
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Physics
See more from this Session: Sensors and Instrumentation for Mapping and Monitoring Applications: II