Climate Change Impacts on Soils: Understanding and Estimating the Extent and Rates of Reactions, Processes, Interactions and Feedbacks
Poster Session
SSSA Division: Soil Chemistry
Climate change projected to occur this century [i.e., high atmospheric CO
2 concentrations (of 400 ppm or greater); increasing air temperatures (2-4
0C or greater); intensive rainfall and/or heavy storms; extended periods of drought; extreme frost; significant changes in the daily, seasonal and inter-annual temperature cycles; heat-waves and increased fire frequency] will significantly impact soils, and crop productivity, food security, water supplies and environmental quality.
Objective: The objective of the session is to address some of the most challenging scientific issues related to climate change effects on soil and terrestrial ecosystems and delineate future needs in this important and rapidly expanding area of research. We will seek invited and contributed papers on the impact of climate change in the following six topics: weathering of soil minerals, soil C pools and cycling, microbiological and vegetation shits, interaction between plant and soil communities, soil loss and health, and soil thawing and greenhouse gas burst.
Soil Physics
Soils & Environmental Quality
Soil Mineralogy
Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Urban and Anthropogenic Soils
Global Climate Change Community
Monday, November 3, 2014: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Long Beach Convention Center, Exhibit Hall ABC
Nik Qafoku
Thomas Borch
Zamir Libohova
Aaron Thompson
Markus Tuller
Mary E. Stromberger
Gurpal S Toor
Saseendran Anapalli
Poster #1108
Plant Residue Decay in Diverse Canadian Soils.
Edward G Gregorich, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada;
Benjamin Ellert, Lethbridge Research Centre;
Henry Janzen, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada;
Bobbi Helgason, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada