Friday, 14 July 2006 - 4:40 PM

Land Agroecological Evaluation for Designing the Agronomy Systems.

Valeriy I. Kiryushin, Russian State Agricultural Univ - MTAA, Soil Science Dept, Timiryazevskaya Ulitca, 49, Moscow, 127550, Russia

Precisian agronomy system development places more stringent requirements upon the land agroecological evaluation and map materials for designing the agronomy systems and high agrotechnologies. There have been developed the new land agroecological typology, system of land agronomical evaluation and methodology of soil-landscape map-making for this purpose. An elementary area of agrolandscape (EAA) is considered as a prime unit for land evaluation. By EAA is meant a part of the mesorelief unit bounded by the elementary area of soil (uniform soil) or by the elementary soil cover pattern. The last one can be represented by soil complex (contrasting microcombination due to microrelief), or soil punctation (non-contrasting microcombination), or soil mosaic (contrasting microcombination due to lithologic heterogeneity), or soil tashet (non-contrasting microcombination due to lithologic heterogeneity). Principal results of field investigation in scale 1:10000 are the electronic map-layers with information on mesorelief forms, slope steepness and exposition, microrelief, soil parent materials, hydrogeological conditions, soil cover patterns, and soil properties. Superposition of these map-layers allows creating the map of land species (EAA) with databases, containing information on land agroecological characteristics and soil-landscape linkages for every contour. Land types are formed in terms of EAA in course of designing the landscape-adaptive agronomy systems. They integrate EAA with similar conditions for crops and analogous requirements for crop rotations and agrotechnologies that are developed for them. Land agroecological types are combined into land agroecological groups (plane, eroded, swamped, salted, solonets, frozen, etc.), for those there are developed landscape- adaptive agronomy systems, including the systems of crop, hayfield and pasture rotations, distributed according to soil-landscape linkages, energy and mass transfer. Agroecological land formal manipulation is developing for different provinces, natural agricultural zones (steppe, steppe-forest, forest, etc.). Crop rotations and fields are designed in terms of agroecological maps of land suitability for certain crops. These maps are formed on the basis of electronic maps of land agroecological kinds through the coordination between crop (sort) agroecological requirements and agroecological features of every elementary area of agrolandscape (that are represented in database for every EAA). According to its agroecological characteristics, every EAA receives the crop suitability level from 1-st to 6-th. Through overlaying of agroecological maps, there are revealed areas with similar suitability for different crops within which crop rotation fields or cultivated plots are formed. According to limiting agroecological factor states, there are designed three levels of agrotechnologies: normal, intensive and high intensive (precision). The experience of agronomy system designing in terms of new methodology in different regions of Russia is briefly reviewed.

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