Saturday, 15 July 2006: 8:00 AM-11:00 AM
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor
134: 2.0A Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water & Soil Quality - Poster
Presiding:William Bleam, Univ. of Wisconsin
Convenor:Paul Bertsch, Univ of GA-Savannah River Ecol.Lab.
Manganese Oxide in Mine Sludge: A Redox Barrier Against Arsenic Mobilization?.
Suzanne Beauchemin, Natural Resources Canada, Glenn Poirier, Natural Resources Canada, James Ablett, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Soil organic C speciation and transformations following long-term anthropogenic perturbations in tropical ecosystems: evidence from 13C NMR and synchrotron-based C (1s) NEXAFS and FTIR-ATR spectroscopy.
Dawit Solomon, Cornell University, Johannes Lehmann, Cornell University, James Kinyangi, Cornell University, Biqing Liang, Cornell University, Ingo Lobe, UFZ Centre for Environmental Research, Wulf Amelung, University of Bonn, Thorsten Schäfer, Institute for Nuclear Waste Management
Sorption of Arsenate on Lithium/Aluminum Layered Double Hydroxide Intercalated by Chloride: Macroscopic and Spectroscopic Studies.
Yu T. Liu, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, Ming K. Wang, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, P.M. Huang, Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Saskatchewan
Quality of the Water in Rio Amajac, Hidalgo, Mexico, for the Handling of the Nutritious Solution in Hidroponia.
Jesus Amado, Colegio de Posgraduados, Enrique Rubinos Pantal, Colegio de Posgraduados, Fransisco Gavi Reyes, Colegio de Posgraduados, Enrique Mejia Zaens, Colegio de Posgraduados

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