Hal Liechty

School of Forest Resources, University of Arkansas at Monticello
110 University Ct.
Monticello, AR
USA 71656
Email: liechty@uamont.edu

8:15 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Junior Ballroom D, Level 3 51-14 Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with Cellulosic Bioenergy Feedstock Production On Marginal Agricultural Lands in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley.
8:50 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 203, Level 2 292-4 Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water Chemistry Three Years After Conversion of Marginal Agricultural Soils to Switchgrass and Cottonwood Bioenergy Cropping Systems.
3:00 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1 301-5 Carbon Dynamics of Agroforest Systems in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley.