Mark Risse

The University of Georgia
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Driftmier Engineering Center, Room 617
Athens, GA
USA 30602

1:45 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Junior Ballroom D, Level 3 51-36 National Facilitation of Extension Programming in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation for Animal Agriculture.
3:30 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Junior Ballroom D, Level 3 51-43 From Climate Variability to Climate Change: Extension Challenges and Opportunities in the Southeast USA.
3:05 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 232, Level 2 114-15 The Impact of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems On the Nitrogen Load and Baseflow in Urbanizing Watersheds of Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia.
1:25 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Junior Ballroom C, Level 3 185-2 Developing Partnerships to Advance Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation for Animal Agriculture.
11:15 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 250, Level 2 318-11 Evaluation of the Impact of On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems On Water Quality in Urbanizing Watersheds.
7:30 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1 The Impact of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems On the Nitrogen Load and Baseflow in Urbanizing Watersheds of Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia.