Brian Strahm
Virginia TechDepartment of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation
Virginia Tech
Department of Forestry
Blacksburg, VA
USA 24061-0324
12:15 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Junior Ballroom D, Level 3
51-30 Loblolly Pine-Switchgrass Intercropping for Sustainable Timber and Biofuels Production.
2:15 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 235, Level 2
140-5 Organic Matter Pools in Reclaimed Soils: Quantification Using Biological, Chemical and Physical Fractionation Methods.
2:30 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 235, Level 2
140-6 Relation of Microbial Biomass Carbon and Aggregate Size Distribution to Soil Carbon Pools Four Years After Urban Soil Rehabilitation.
3:30 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
146-7 The Impact of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids and Dissolved Organic Carbon On Microbial Biomass in a Loblolly Pine and Switchgrass Intercropped System.
4:00 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
146-9 The Use of Stable Isotopes to Evaluate the Uptake Efficiency of Applied Nitrogen Fertilizer in Southern Loblolly Pine Plantations.
4:15 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
146-10 Investigating the Use of Natural Abundance d15N to Predict Fertilizer Growth Response in Douglas Fir and Loblolly Pine.
2:15 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
300-2 Responses of Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Soil Respiration to Simulated Drought in Managed Southern Pine Forests.
3:30 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
301-7 Soil CO2, CH4, and N2O Fluxes in a Switchgrass and Loblolly Pine Intercropping System.
2:50 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Junior Ballroom A, Level 3
302-1 Soil Nutrients, Aboveground Productivity and Vegetative Diversity After 10 Years of Experimental Acidification and Base Cation Depletion.
3:20 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Junior Ballroom A, Level 3
302-3 Nitrate Sorption As a Potential Mechanism to Buffer Watershed N Export.
3:00 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 206, Level 2
404-6 Switchgrass Growth in Southern Loblolly Pine Forests Alters Soil Organic C and N Fractions Under Bedded Rows of Pine Trees.
3:30 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 206, Level 2
404-8 Explaining the Apparent Resiliency of Loblolly Pine Plantation to Organic Matter Removal.