Evan Sonderegger
University of Nebraska - LincolnAgronomy and Horticulture
279 Plant Sciences Hall
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE
USA 68583
Email: e.sonderegger@gmail.com
7:15 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
56-14 Effects of Density, Species Ratio and Nitrogen Supply On Biomass Accumulation of Spring Oats and Field Peas in Sole and Intercropping.
1:45 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 202, Level 2
97-19 Use of Strobilurin Fungicide to Prevent Disease and Increase Yield in Soybean.
12:15 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
151-10 Use of Alternative Methods to Promote Yield Increase in Soybean.