Alex Ruane
NASAGoddard Institute for Space Studies, NASA
2880 Broadway
New York, NY
USA 10025
1:35 PM, Hyatt Regency, Buckeye AB, Third Floor
231-2 AgMIP: Testing the Use of New Climate Scenarios in Global and Regional Agricultural Assessments.
8:15 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 234, Level 2
342-2 AgMIP: Developing An Intercomparison Protocol for Global Gridded Biophysical Simulations.
8:55 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 234, Level 2
342-4 Uncertainties In Maize Crop Model Responses to Climate Factors.
10:05 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 234, Level 2
342-7 Applying Multiple Crop Models for Assessing Climate Change Impact: The Devil Is in the Detail.
10:25 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 234, Level 2
342-8 Aggregation of Gridded Crop Model Outputs and Validation Across Scales.
11:25 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 234, Level 2
342-11 Predicting Wheat Growth and Nitrogen Use with an Ensemble of Crop Simulation Models.