Aaron Thompson

University of Georgia
Crop & Soil Sciences Department
Athens, GA
USA 30602
Email: aaront@uga.edu

6:15 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Junior Ballroom D, Level 3 51-6 Carbon Dynamics in Management Intensive Grazing Dairy Systems.
8:15 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1 154-18 Stacking Effects On Nitrogen Fractions in Broiler Litter with and without Alum.
9:00 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 205, Level 2 156-4 Atom Exchange Between Fe(II) and Nanocrystalline Iron Phases in Tropical Soils.
11:05 AM, Hyatt Regency, Buckeye AB, Third Floor 312-5 Colloidal Clay Redistribution: Quantifying a Pedogenic Process and Its Influence On Ecosystems.
3:00 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1 387-3 Survivorship of Pinus Taeda Exposed to Benzene-Based Compounds: Preliminary Study to Support Phytoremediation Greenhouse Experiment.