Susana Milla-Lewis
North Carolina State UniversityDept. of Crop Science
Box 7620
Raleigh, NC
USA 27695-7620
3:05 PM, Millennium Hotel, Bronze Ballroom A, Second Floor
104-8 Patterns of Genetic Variation Suggest Introgression Between Zoysia Species.
4:30 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
106-3 Mapping Gray Leaf Spot Resistance Genes in St. Augustinegrass.
1:30 PM, Millennium Hotel, Grand Ballroom A, Second Floor
255-3 Genotype by Environment Interaction in Zoysiagrass.
4:00 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
256-1 Phytotron Evaluation of Zoysiagrass Germplasm for Large Patch Resistance.