James J. Camberato
Purdue UniversityAgronomy
915 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN
USA 47907
Email: jcambera@purdue.edu
7:30 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
100-15 Consequences of Shallow NH3 Placement and Timing On N Use Efficiencies in Corn Production.
9:30 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
100-23 Nutrient Accumulation Patterns in Soybean Cultivars Released Over 90 Years.
8:35 AM, Millennium Hotel, Grand Ballroom B, Second Floor
102-3 Putting Green Annual Bluegrass Suppression with Flurprimidol, a Nitrogen Regime, and a Soil Surfactant.
11:20 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 206, Level 2
130-6 Economic Analysis of Nitrogen Recommendations in an Environment of Increased Price Volatility.
2:30 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 236, Level 2
141-6 Cover Crop Seed Germination As Affected by Swine Manure Under Controlled Conditions.
9:00 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
143-21 Nitrogen Cycling with Oilseed Radish Cover Crop in Midwestern Crop Rotations.
3:00 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
152-9 Can We Improve in-Season Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations with a Nitrogen Transformation and Loss Model?.
8:30 AM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Room 207, Level 2
188-2 Yield Target Approaches to Nitrogen Recommendations for Corn.
5:00 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
256-5 Salinity Tolerance and Sequence Diversity in Candidate Genes of Perennial Ryegrass.
3:30 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
280-11 Instinct or N-Serve with Band-Injected UAN: Does It Matter?.
7:30 PM, Duke Energy Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB, Level 1
393-21 Effects of Swine Manure Application Time and Instinct On Corn Growth and Mineralizable Nitrogen On Two Indiana Soils.